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- Confined Release
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Plants > Biotechnology / PNTs > Confined Release 

Confined Release of PNTs

How To Apply For Confined Release

A confined research field trial is the release of a plant with novel traits (PNT), for research purposes, under terms and conditions of confinement designed to minimize any impact the PNT may have on the environment. In Canada, confined field trials for research on PNTs provide developers with the opportunity to evaluate the performance of PNTs, study the environmental safety of these modified plants, address the criteria and information requirements considered in the environmental safety assessment of PNTs for unconfined releases and generate data for variety registration purposes.

Instructions, information requirements, and terms and conditions can be found in the following:

Summary of Confined Research Field Trials

Confined field trial information can be viewed in summary and detailed forms. The summary table names the number of submissions and trials that took place. It breaks down the trials by crop kind, breading objective and province. The detailed table names the organization conducting the field trial(s), the crop species, general description of the novel trait(s) and the province(s) in which the trials were or are being conducted
2006 - Summary Table | Detailed Table | Terms and Conditions
2005 - Summary Table | Detailed Table | Terms and Conditions
2004 - Summary Table | Detailed Table | Terms and Conditions
2003 - Summary Table | Detailed Table | Terms and Conditions
2002 - Summary Table | Detailed Table
2001 - Summary Table | Detailed Table
2000 - Summary Table | Detailed Table
1999 - Summary Table | Detailed Table
1998 - Summary Table | Detailed Table
1997 - Summary Table
1996 - Summary Table
1995 - Summary Table
1994 - Summary Table
1993 - Summary Table
1992 - Summary Table
1991 - Summary Table
1990 - Summary Table
1989 - Summary Table
1988 - Summary Table

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