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Youth Voter Day on January 13th

Youth Voter Day
Download the Youth Voter Day Poster Youth Voter Day Poster in pdf - 723 Kb
Download the Youth Voter Day Fact Sheet Youth Voter Day Fact Sheet in pdf - 26 Kb

Canadians from 18 to 30 are not involved in politics because no one has asked them. So we are asking: Can you come out and help?

What do we need you to do? We need you to make your voice heard on your day, Youth Voter Day.

Youth Voter Day is going to be January 13th.

Every election has advance polling days. This election they will be January 13th, 14th and 16th. We need you to vote at the advance polls on Friday the 13th. Then come back and tell us about your voting experience.

Some facts on Youth Voting from the Democracy Project

The Democracy Project

Youth Voter Turn Out

According to Elections Canada, only about 38% of persons who voted in the last general election (2004) were between the ages of 18 and 30 years old.

Surveys of voters and non-voters after the 2000 elections revealed that only 22% of first time voters (e.g. Canadian citizens age 18 to 24 years old) cast a ballot.

Rates of voting among first-time voters (age 18 to 24 years old) in Canada are lower than those of the United States (42% in 2004) and just below those of the U.K. and most other developed democracies.

In Canada, more than 80% of voters age 55 and older cast a ballot in the 2004 general election.

Almost the entire decline in voting rates over the past two decades (61% in 2004, down from 64% in 2000 and 70% in 1993) is the result of low rates of voter participation by youth.

For persons born after 1970, the likelihood of their participation in the first election in which they have the opportunity to vote determines their participation rate in each subsequent election.

According to an Elections Canada 2003 study, the three most common reasons younger Canadians give for not voting are: "don't have enough information about the candidates and issues" (48%); "politics doesn't make a difference in my life" (15%); and "too busy (13%).

Youth and Political Parties

Only 5% of Canadians under the age of 30 belong to a political party.

The average age of membership of all of Canada's political parties is 63.

Only 18% of Canadians identify "very strongly" with a political party - down from 37% in 1980.

 Printable Version
Have you voted? Please click here and tell us about it!

Voter Information Service

Where do I vote?
When can I vote?
When and where can I vote in advance?

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