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"Whatever you do will seem insignificant, but it is very important to do it."
Mahatma Gandhi

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Tales of the Tour
David Kay, Media Relations, Leader's TourFollow the Media Team blog as they travel with Jim Harris.
Toronto - After another draining red-eye, the Leader’s Tour takes a short break this morning, trying to catch a couple hours of rest at Jim’s house. I wake up startled....

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Energy Tips
David Chernushenko Candidate Ottawa CentreJoin David Chernushenko in a video tour of his home.
Finding ways to live well using less energy has never made more sense. More...

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Youth Voter Day, January 13, 2006

Youth will build the future Canadians from 18 to 30 are not involved in politics because no one has asked them. So we are asking: Can you come out and help?

What do we need you to do? We need you to make your voice heard on your day, Youth Voter Day.

Every election has advance polling days. This election they will be January 13th, 14th and 16th. We need you to vote at the advance polls on Friday the 13th. Then come back and tell us about your voting experience.


Download the Youth Voter Day Poster Youth Voter Day Poster in pdf - 723 Kb
Download the Youth Voter Day Fact Sheet Youth Voter Day Fact Sheet in pdf - 26 Kb

Democratic Renewal

Democratic Renewal in Canada The Green Party of Canada invites you to discuss the possibilities for Canada. On Jan 18th, we would like to discuss the different methods that countries use to select their governments and ask the questions:
  • Do we have the best system?
  • Should it be changed?

Media Release

Media Release Green Party Endorses Bold Fishery Preservation Plan

The Inshore Transition and Development Plan (ITDP) is unique in that it doesn't only rely on quotas to manage what is a very delicate resource

(Moncton, Friday, 13 January 2006) - The Green Party of Canada firmly believes in the protection and sustainability of the Maritimes inshore fishery, and therefore endorses the bold plan of the Maritimes Fishermen's Union's that will help ensure its survival, said leader Jim Harris today.

List of Media Releases...

Platform 2006

Download the 2006 Platform We appreciate that many Canadians want to know more about the Green Party of Canada, who we are, and what we stand for. It’s difficult to stick old-fashioned political labels on us, because we’re neither a party of the left nor a party of the right. For us, good ideas are simply good ideas.

So, who is the Green Party?

Read the 2006 platform...

Download the 2006 Platform Download the 2006 Platform in pdf - 793 Kb
Download the 2006 Platform Download the 2006 Platform in doc - 192 Kb

National Cancer-fighting Strategy

Download the plan

A comprehensive plan to reduce the incidence of cancer, facilitate treatment and improve quality of life

With the ever-growing incidence of cancer in Canada, creating a National Cancer-fighting Strategy is the only effective way to save the lives of millions of Canadians while also preventing an economically damaging situation due to the projected health care costs associated with the disease and loss of government revenue from rising mortality and reduced productivity.

Download National Cancer-fighting Strategy Download the plan in doc 38Kb
Download National Cancer-fighting Strategy Download the plan in pdf 786Kb

We can make Kyoto work for Canadians

Download the plan

A strategic plan to cut emissions, improve air quality, and boost the economy

The Green Party strategy to meet and surpass Kyoto objectives ensures well-being and prosperity long into the future through energy efficiency and environmental stewardship. Green Party policies will change accounting methods to more accurately reflect the full costs of fossil fuel usage and reorient our economy toward more efficient energy solutions.

Download the plan in pdf 2,330Kb
Download the plan in doc 96Kb

Energy Plan

Download the plan

Recalculating the energy of our home and native land

The world consumes about two barrels of oil for every new barrel it finds, therefore we not only need to find new sources of renewable energy to respect our Kyoto engagements, we also need to significantly reduce our energy consumption to avoid economic hardships. With decisive actions and meaningful legislation to back them up, we can stop pretending to end oil dependency and actually do it. The Green Party has the political will to achieve environmental and economic results.

Download the Energy Plan Download the plan in doc 66Kb
Download the Energy Plan Download the plan in pdf 758Kb

 Printable Version
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Voter Information Service

Where do I vote?
When can I vote?
When and where can I vote in advance?

Watch Jim Harris' speech to The Empire Club of Canada and The Canadian Club of Toronto delivered on January 12.
(registration required)

"Jim Harris has proved an able leader for the party with the strongest environmental platform."

- Sierra Club's Eco Olympics

In the News
Greens more fiscally responsible, leader says
Toronto Star, Jan 12

Nothing new in debates: Green Party leader, Jan 11

Green leader watches debate with party faithful, Jan 10

Politics' corrupt culture
by Robin Stubbs
Vancouver 24 hours, Jan 10

More news articles...

Read the transcript of Your Turn with Jim Harris that aired on CBC's The National on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 in which Jim Harris answered questions from the public.

Leaders' Debates

Sign the petition

The Green Party of Canada should have been included in the leaders' debates.
Leaders' Debates...

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