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Welcome to the Web Community

This is the public area of the Web Community of the Green party of Canada. It contains all our public documents such as the Constitution and the minutes to the General Meeting of the Party. It is also the login area for Members

Policy Conference Postponed

GPC staff and numerous volunteers are now focusing their efforts on the election. In order to allow each of us to prepare, the policy convention, originally planned for February 2-5, has been postponed. If you had already sent in your registration fees, not to worry, they have not been processed. The convention will be rescheduled after the election. Good luck with your preparations for the upcoming election! Let’s all do what we can for a strong, country-wide campaign!

What is on this site

Policies: These document explain our fundamental beliefs and all policies written to incorporate them in the structure of the Party. The Approved Policy document is for members only.

Council Meetings: These are the minutes of the Federal Council Meetings of the Green Party of Canada. These documents are restricted to members.

General Meetings: These are the minutes of the General Meetings of the Green Party of Canada. These are public documents.

Members' Privileges: Chat with other members in the forums, access restricted documents, post on the calendar, post pictures in the photo album, add popular links, publish announcements to members who visit the site...

Eaux Torentielles
Claude Brun

Eaux Torentielles

Green Canada Vert

Download the Fall-Automne 2005 issue! (1.4Mb)

Visit our dusty archives...

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Green Party of Canada 2005
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