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Government of Canada and Voluntary Sector Team Up

[ Backgrounder ]

August 8, 2001

OTTAWA - The Honourable Lucienne Robillard, President of the Treasury Board of Canada, Minister responsible for Infrastructure and Chair of the Reference Group of Ministers for the Voluntary Sector, today announced $11.6 million in support to voluntary sector organizations to lead 21 pilot projects that contribute to federal policy development.

This investment was financed from the Sectoral Involvement in Departmental Policy Development fund which was established under the Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI) - a joint initiative between the voluntary sector and the Government of Canada. In the VSI, the voluntary sector and the Government of Canada are working to strengthen the voluntary sector's capacity to meet the challenges of the future and to enhance the relationship between the sector and the federal government.

"These projects are instrumental in building the voluntary sector's capacity to influence Government of Canada policy-making," said Minister Robillard. "This is an important step towards realizing our long term vision to fully engage the voluntary sector in the day-to-day business of government."

Patrick Johnston, Co-Chair of the VSI's Joint Coordinating Committee and President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Centre for Philanthropy said, "This is a concrete example of an investment in voluntary sector organizations to build their policy capacity and strengthen their relationship with the federal government. By working together, government policies, programs and services will be improved to better meet the needs of Canadians."

Proposals were solicited by federal departments from voluntary sector organizations across Canada. Several hundred organizations will work on the 21 pilot projects in partnership with eight government departments. They will focus on a wide range of policy areas, including key government priorities in the areas of health, security, child poverty and environmental issues. The departments include Canadian Heritage, Citizenship and Immigration, Environment, Health, Human Resources Development, Justice, Solicitor General and Veterans Affairs.

For further information on the Voluntary Sector Initiative, call 1-800-O Canada. (1 800 622-6232) or check the VSI website at

See the attached Backgrounder and List of Approved Projects for further details.

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For more information, contact:

Barry MacKillop
Senior Policy Analyst
Voluntary Sector Task Force
Privy Council Office
(613) 943-0212

Daniel Grenier
Press Secretary
Office of the President of the Treasury Board of Canada and Minister responsible for Infrastructure
(613) 957-2666


TTY (Telecommunications device for the hearing impaired) -- 
(613) 957-9090


Supporting Voluntary Sector Involvement in Public Policy Development

The Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI) is a joint initiative between the voluntary sector and the Government of Canada. The long-term goal of the VSI is to strengthen the voluntary sector's capacity to meet the challenges of the future, and to enhance the relationship between the sector and the federal government.

When the Voluntary Sector Initiative was announced in June 2000, part of its mandate was the enhancement of policy development in federal government departments by creating opportunities for input by voluntary sector organizations. This part of VSI's mandate is known as Sectoral Involvement in Departmental Policy Development (SIDPD).

When the VSI was established, a $28.5 million SIDPD fund was created for projects that will:

  • Enhance and strengthen the voluntary sector's involvement in departmental policy development, and
  • Strengthen the voluntary sector's capacity to contribute to departmental policy development.

Some examples of projects SIDPD will support include:

  • Contributing to building networks, alliances, and other mechanisms among organizations within the sector/sub-sector that will facilitate voluntary sector involvement in the departmental policy process, and
  • Supporting knowledge development and dissemination activities intended to increase voluntary sector involvement in the departmental policy process.

In the summer of 2000, a first round of proposal development was launched. A screening panel made up of sector representatives with experience in public policy development reviewed the proposals and recommended that 21 projects be supported in this round.

In the spring, a second round was launched and submissions are now under review. A broad call for project descriptions was issued outlining the steps that voluntary sector organizations should take to develop and submit a project description to a federal department for funding.

Approved Projects for Round One Voluntary Sector Initiative Sectoral Involvement in Departmental Policy Development

1. Sport Policy Advisory Collective

The project will enable the sport voluntary sector to contribute to the development of government policies, programs and services resulting in improved management, coordination and leadership in the sport voluntary sector. Policy issues of mutual concern will be identified and improved information sharing on key trends, key learnings and issues in sport will result from the Collective's work. In addition the collective will work to develop a sustainable entity to enable the sport sector to contribute to the development of government policies, programs and services in an ongoing, regular and co-ordinated manner.

Lead Organization(s): Sport Policy Advisory Collective
Department: Canadian Heritage

2. Giving a Voice to the Heritage Voluntary Sector

Under the direction of a joint sector/government committee, this project will lay the foundation for enhanced collaboration between Canadian Heritage and the heritage voluntary sector. Through this project, knowledge of the heritage voluntary sector will increase; the policy capacity of the representative NGOs will be expanded; and communications between the department and the heritage voluntary sector will increase. This will result in a greater contribution by the voluntary sector to the process of heritage policy development.

Lead Organizations(s): Steering committee with representatives from voluntary sector organizations.
Department: Canadian Heritage

3. Northern Native Broadcast Access Program

The main objective of the project is the development of an action plan to address current pressures within the context of the Northern Native Broadcast Access Program, which will result in a greater focus on federal policy considerations in the various areas of Aboriginal cultural, heritage and language concerns and needs.

Lead Organizations(s): Consortium of 13 Aboriginal non-profit communications societies.
Department: Canadian Heritage

4. Strengthening the Settlement Sector

The primary objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of the settlement sector to address policy and program issues identified by both the sector and Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). The key benefit is more effective services to newcomers. Experiences gained throughout the joint policy development process will be shared, as will conference and working group discussion papers, policy recommendations and, where appropriate, CIC policy decisions. In the process, relationships both within the sector and between the sector and governments will be strengthened.

Lead Organization(s): Numerous voluntary sector organizations
Department: Citizenship and Immigration Canada

5. Building the Capacity of the Environmental Community

The project will create initiatives that contribute to improved governance, communications and networking opportunities for Canadian Environmental Network (CEN) member organizations and other ENGOs. It will also facilitate environmental group participation in government and inter-sectoral consultations and promote communication among environmental groups and other sectors, such as business, labour, native communities and governments.

Lead Organization(s): Institute on Governance; Canadian Environmental Network
Department: Environment Canada

6. Creating Public Policy for Sustainable Development

Three main components comprise this comprehensive project which focuses on policy issues and strategies related to sustainable development: linking community-based ecosystem monitoring to local decision-making and policy development on sustainability; creating public policy for sustainable development - Atlantic Region; and building capacity for policy and program development on community sustainability under St. Lawrence Vision (SLV) 2000 - Quebec Region.

Lead Organization(s): Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN)
Department: Environment Canada

7. Building Policy Capacity of the Youth Environmental Community

The main objectives of this project are to build the policy capacity of youth environmentally focused NGOs nationally through a comprehensive National Network, to develop policy approaches in the Pacific and Yukon Regions that will strengthen the capacity of Canadian youth to play a consistent and effective role in policy development on environmental and sustainable development issues and, to use the national network to replicate Pacific and Yukon region experience across Canada.

Lead Organization(s): Canadian Environmental Network - Youth Caucus and the Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA).
Department: Environment Canada

8. Enabling Voluntary Action for Species and Habitat Conservation

This project will enable members of the voluntary sector, at the national, regional and local levels, to inform the development of the Canada-wide Stewardship Action Plan, and to facilitate the establishment of a volunteer network that would be co-ordinated and supportive of the Regional Implementation Boards established under the Habitat Stewardship Program.

Lead Organization(s): Numerous wildlife habitat voluntary sector organizations.
Department: Environment Canada

9. Health Canada and Voluntary Organizations Working in Health (VOWH) Innovative Policy Development

This three-phase project is aimed at increasing the policy capacity of voluntary organizations working in health (VOWH) and Health Canada, and enhancing the ability of VWOH to collaborate, both individually and collectively, in the department's policy development process. Initially, a number of capacity- and partnership-building tools and activities will be developed to respond to the policy capacity needs of the voluntary health sector. The skills and knowledge

acquired through these activities will then be applied through a number of policy development pilots on specific health issues. The final phase of the project will evaluate the success of the project and establish a long-term sustainable plan to shape future policy relationships between Health Canada and voluntary organizations working in health.

Lead Organizations(s): a cross section of voluntary organizations working in health
Department: Health Canada

10. New Brunswick Multi-Lateral Laboratory, Family and Children Poverty

The partnership will focus on policies and programs related to children and family. It will establish a multilateral laboratory for fact-finding, thinking, and discussion within the voluntary sector and then with the public, private and voluntary sectors, leading to meaningful input to policies and the development of enabling tools. Ideally, the laboratory would become a permanent forum that would serve as a key policy development tool - acting as an interface between all parties.

Lead Organization: The John Howard Society of New Brunswick
Department: Human Resources Development Canada

11. Building Voluntary Sector Capacity: A Multi-Sectoral Approach (Manitoba)

This joint coalition/partnership based in Manitoba will focus on policies and programs related to community capacity and well being. The coalition will work with a broad cross-section of voluntary sector organizations which represents Manitoba's diversity. The project will identify what is necessary for community organizations to take ownership and responsibility for their collective well being. It will establish a multi-sectoral approach to fact-finding, information exchanges, work plans, and forums that will lead to meaningful input to models and engagement tools to develop community capacity as well as indicators for community well being. These tools and models will be shared with voluntary sector organizations across Canada.

Lead Organization: Volunteer Centre of Winnipeg
Department: Human Resources Development Canada

12. Aboriginal Women's Justice Consultation

Three aboriginal organizations will hold a consultation to deal with justice issues of concern to Aboriginal women and their communities. The consultation will allow them to build capacity and make their voices heard through the gathering of information, the exchange of expertise, and interaction with government officials. The objective is to increase the policy capacity of Aboriginal women's organizations so that they can advocate and respond to justice issues of concern with decision-makers (government).

Lead Organizations: Métis National Council of Women, Inc., Pauktuutit and the Native Women's Association of Canada
Department: Justice Canada

13. Edmonton Prostitution Court Diversion Project

This two-year pilot project will create personalized case plan diversion processes for individuals of the age of 18 charged with S.213CC and other prostitution related charges. The objective of the project is to offer a community-based alternative to criminal sanctions for activities of individuals involved in street prostitution in Edmonton by increasing the capacity of many partners (NGO and government) to effectively work together.

Lead Organization: Prostitution Action & Awareness Foundation of Edmonton
Department: Justice Canada

14. Addressing the Needs of Families of Offenders

This project will identify and make policy and program recommendations regarding the needs of offender families. There will be two series of consultations in selected Canadian communities. Communities will be identified using data on community profiles, demographics and crime statistics from the Correctional Service Canada's Research Branch and in locations where target audience reach can be maximized.

Lead Organization: Canadian Families and Corrections Network
Department: Solicitor General Canada

15. Voluntary Sector Capacity for Analysis of Government Policy in Relation to Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution

This project will develop the capacity within the organization to provide analysis of government policy initiatives related to restorative justice and conflict resolution in a more formal and comprehensive way than has been possible to date.

Lead Organization: The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution
Department: Solicitor General Canada

16. Developing A Model for Regional Policy Input

This project proposes a regional consultation process that will lead to the creation of a model for both organizing and providing regional input into the Government of Canada's policies on corrections, criminal justice issues and the government's agenda of Building Safer Communities. Two of the proposed regional consultations will take place in regions which have not had a voice in providing input into government policy and who are not represented by existing national or regional criminal justice agencies or victim's organizations.

Lead Organization: Canadian Training Institute
Department: Solicitor General Canada

17. Volunteer Information Control System

This project will improve the ability of the Block Parent Program to communicate with their members, to enhance their capacity to provide more informed policy advice to the Portfolio of the Solicitor General and to identify opportunities for collaborative work among partners in the criminal justice system. The federal government's priority of improving the quality of life for Canadian children may be addressed by the work of the Block Parent Program, which is enhanced through the development of this database.

Lead organization: Block Parent Program of Canada
Department: Solicitor General Canada

18. Youth Justice Primer

The purpose of this project is to both enhance the general public's understanding of youth justice in Canada and to provide an orientation text which identifies effective crime prevention strategies and approaches aimed at reducing youth crime and youth involvement within the justice system of Canada.

Lead organization: Canadian Training Institute
Department: Solicitor General Canada

19. Policy Learning Centre

This project will demonstrate how a policy project within the John Howard Society of Canada will enhance the effective participation of the Society in policy development. This will be achieved by targeting three important areas for developments within the framework of a current policy issue (now selected as drug policy): knowledge accumulation, skills training, and consensus building.

Lead organization: John Howard Society of Canada
Department: Solicitor General Canada

20. Recommendations for Mental Health Programs for Women Involved in the Criminal Justice System

The project will develop a synopsis and analysis of mental health programs that the local Elizabeth Fry Societies deliver. The project will develop recommendations for strategies to support women involved in the justice system who have mental health issues. Correctional Service Canada is currently reviewing community infrastructure available for women offenders with the aim of identifying gaps and developing strategies to fill those gaps. The results of the Elizabeth Fry Societies project will form a piece of this review.

Lead Organization: Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies
Department: Solicitor General Canada

21. Review and Determination of Housing Issues for Veterans and Seniors

The objective of this project is to ensure that present and future housing needs of a growing segment of the Canadian population, veterans and seniors, are met. In addition to addressing very specific policy objectives, it is also anticipated that the project will result in an increased capacity among key voluntary sector organizations to address broader policy concerns with Veterans Affairs Canada and other departments, in the interest of serving all Canadians.

Lead Organization: The Royal Canadian Legion
Department: Veterans Affairs Canada