Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada

November 25, 1992
Rev. 1 July/93

Guidelines to administrators for plan terminations

Defined contribution plans
Section 29 of the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (PBSA) covers the full and partial termination of pension plans. The section establishes special rules for vesting, continuation of service, disbursement of funds, information to members and reports to the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. The Office looks very closely at terminations, because after the plan has been wound up, it is at best very difficult to correct inequities or misinterpretations of the law.

The Office issues these guidelines to inform the pension industry of our current policy, our interpretation of the PBSA and our standards for termination reports. They have been written to cover most plans terminating in normal circumstances. However, the provisions of the plan text or trust agreement may impose on the employer obligations to members that these guidelines do not cover. The Office may occasionally require documentation not mentioned here.

Unless they indicate an exception, these instructions apply to partial as well as full plan terminations. No funds related to the termination of the plan may be disbursed until the termination report has been approved.