The Board is the independent joint agency of the Governments of Canada and Nova Scotia responsible for the regulation of petroleum activities in the Nova Scotia Offshore Area, including:
  • health and safety for offshore workers,
  • protection of the environment during
    offshore petroleum activities,
  • management and conservation of offshore petroleum resources,
  • compliance with the provisions of the Accord
    Acts that deal with Canada-Nova Scotia employment and industrial benefits,
  • issuance of licences for offshore exploration
    and development, and
  • resource evaluation, data collection, curation
    and distribution.
Electronic versions of statutes, regulations, guidelines and reports contained on this site have been prepared for convenience of reference only and have no official sanction. The formatting of electronic versions may differ from official, printed versions and the CNSOPB assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting. Electronic versions are for your own personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.

January 13, 2006
CNSOPB Requires Shut-in of Sable Flowline Following Discharge

September 01, 2005
CNSOPB releases Marathon Crimson F-81 Incident Report

August 09, 2005
CNSOPB extends public consultation period on Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment

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