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2005 — A year in review
Resource Rebate
$400 resource rebate will arrive in the new year
Albertans will start seeing their $400 per-person Alberta 2005 Resource Rebate cheques in their mailboxes in late January 2006. To receive the rebate, you must have been an Alberta resident on September 1, 2005, and have filed a 2004 Canadian tax return.
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Domestic Violence Court
Specialized domestic violence court opens in northern Alberta
Families in Fort McMurray and northern Alberta now have access to a specialized domestic violence court that allows family violence cases to be dealt with quickly, decreasing the potential for abusers to re-offend.
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Disaster Assistance
Application deadline approaching for provincial flood disaster assistance
Residents, agricultural producers and small businesses in Alberta who faced damages from flooding in southern Alberta in June 2005 have until February 3, 2006 to apply for provincial disaster assistance funding.
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Smoke-Free Places
Smoke-Free Places Act comes into effect
On January 1, 2006, Alberta’s Smoke-Free Places Act came into effect in Alberta. The law sets a minimum standard for the province, and protects minors from exposure to second-hand smoke.
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Income Taxes
Tax change leaves more money in Albertans’ hands
Albertans will see tax savings of nearly $53 million as the province's basic personal exemption, spousal exemption and eligible dependent amounts will rise to $14,799 each in 2006.
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More Feature Stories
Natural gas rebate triggered for January
New website helps travellers plan their trips
Wait times reduced for knee and hip replacements

» Government of Alberta News Releases

Graphic Spotlight
Photo of Premier Klein
Premier Klein
Visit the premier's website for more news and information.

Employment with the Government of Alberta logo
Employment opportunities with the Government of Alberta.

Alberta's Surplus
Alberta's Surplus — information on the surplus and how it will be used.

Prescription symbol
Influenza self-care — how to prevent and treat the flu.

Non-smoking sign
Stop smoking — Albertans who want to quit smoking can now log on to a new website for help.

light bulb
Energy at home and on the road — information on rebates, saving money and saving energy.

Crystal meth logo
Crystal meth — information on crystal meth and the new provincial task force.

Centennial Education Savings Plan logo
Alberta Centennial Education Savings Plan — information on the Alberta Centennial Education Savings (ACES) Plan grant.

map of Alberta
Traveller information — road closures, delays and conditions for the Queen Elizabeth II Highway and Highway 1 from Calgary to B.C.

Auto insurance logo
Auto insurance — general information on Alberta's new auto insurance system.

2025 logo
Strategic Plan — Find out more about government's plan for Alberta's future.

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