September 21, 2001
To: All Banks
Federally Regulated Trust and Loan Companies
Federally Regulated Life Insurance Companies
Federally Regulated Property and Casualty Insurance Companies
Federally Regulated Cooperative Credit Associations
Fraternal Benefit Societies
  cc: Provincial Regulators and Supervisors
Re: Cooperation with U.S. Authorities
re Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001

As you are aware, work is underway by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other authorities in Canada and abroad in connection with the events of September 11th.

The U.S. Government has asked Canada to cooperate in these efforts. To that end, you are asked to review your records for names of individuals under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in connection with the terrorist attacks. A copy of the FBI’s list of names is attached and also available via hyperlink from OSFI’s Web site.

We urge you to cooperate in this major effort against terrorism by providing, in accordance with legal requirements, any relevant information to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Also, we remind you of your obligations under the United Nations Afghanistan Regulations (see SOR/2001-86) and of other legal obligations to report suspicious transactions.

Julie Dickson
Assistant Superintendent
Regulation Sector