September 25, 2001
TO: All Banks
Federally Regulated Trust and Loan Companies
Federally Regulated Life Insurance Companies
Federally Regulated Property and Casualty Insurance Companies
Federally Regulated Cooperative Credit Associations
Fraternal Benefit Societies
cc: Provincial Regulators and Supervisors
Canadian Bankers Association
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
Insurance Bureau of Canada
RE: Expanded list of terrorist names and organizations

On September 21, 2001, I wrote to all federally regulated financial institutions in Canada about the U.S. government’s request seeking Canada’s cooperation in the investigation of individuals that may have some connection to the recent terrorist attacks. As you will be aware from recent media coverage, on September 24, 2001, U.S. President Bush issued an Executive Order expanding the list of names of individuals and terrorist organizations and ordering the freezing of their assets.

In follow-up to this additional information, I encourage you to continue to cooperate in this effort against terrorism by reviewing your records and providing any relevant information to the appropriate law enforcement agency. I also remind you again of your obligations under the United Nations Afghanistan Regulations (see SOR/2001-86). A copy of the Executive Order and a list of targeted individuals and terrorist organizations are attached. They may also be found on the White House Web site at

Julie Dickson
Assistant Superintendent
Regulation Sector