March 21, 2003
TO: All Banks
Federally Regulated Trust and Loan Companies
Federally Regulated Life Insurance Companies
Federally Regulated Property and Casualty Insurance Companies
Federally Regulated Cooperative Credit Associations
Fraternal Benefit Societies
Foreign Bank Representatives
cc: Provincial Regulators and Supervisors
Canadian Association of Direct Response Insurers
Canadian Bankers Association
Canadian Fraternal Association
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
Canadian Securities Administrators
Credit Union Central of Canada
Insurance Bureau of Canada
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
Trust Companies Association of Canada
RE: Identification of Iraqi Financial Assets and Transactions United Nations Iraq Regulations

On March 20, 2003, the U.S. Government announced a series of measures directed at Iraqi financial assets in the U.S.

OSFI would like to remind all Canadian financial institutions of their obligations under the United Nations Iraq Regulations (SOR/90-531). Section 6 of those Regulations prohibits dealing with assets of the Government of Iraq and related agencies, which amounts to a freeze of these assets. Section 6 also prohibits other transactions related to Iraq.

As always, OSFI expects federally regulated financial institutions to observe the relevant laws and regulations of all jurisdictions in which they operate.

For more detailed information on the Regulations, please refer to the following Internet sites:

  Julie Dickson
Assistant Superintendent
Regulation Sector