Our File: P2835-2

TO: Banks

Federally Regulated Trust and Loan Companies

Subject: Basle Committee Report on Credit Risk Models

Today the Basle Committee is releasing for public comment a report entitled Credit Risk Modelling: current practices and applications. This report provides a description of current practices in credit-risk modelling and assesses the potential uses of credit-risk models for supervisory purposes. Copies of this report can be obtained directly from the BIS web site (http://www.bis.org) or through the hot links to the BIS provided at OSFI's web site (http://www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca).

The report underscores a number of challenges and limitations to current modelling practices including:

Deposit-taking institutions and other interested parties are invited to provide their comments to OSFI by September 1, 1999. Comments or questions about the content of the report should be directed to Mr. Richard Gresser, Manager, Capital Management at 613-990-7336 (fax 613-998-8466).


Robert Hanna

Director, Capital Division