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Total Documents:5
  • Branch Adequacy of Assets Test

    Date Published:2002-12-20
  • Branch Adequacy of Assets Test for 2007

    Date Published:2006-11-24
  • Minimum Capital Test

    Date Published:2003-07-10
  • Minimum Capital Test for 2007

    Date Published:2006-11-24
  • Letter to CEOs of Canadian P&C; Insurance Companies and Chief Agents of Branches of Foreign P&C; Insurance Companies regarding Minimum Capital Test (MCT) Year-End 2003 Results

    Date Published:2003-08-13
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    Total Documents:2
  • Letters of Credit (LOCs) used in lieu of assets on the Branch Adequacy of Assets Test (BAAT)

    Date Published:2003-04-17
  • MCT and BAAT Supervisory Targets Advisory

    Date Published:2003-12-30
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