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Welcome to the Elections Canada Web Site

Elections Canada: The Chief Electoral Officer of Canada: Welcome Message

Jean-Pierre Kingsley, Chief Electoral Officer of Canada

Elections Canada is an independent body set up by Parliament. In accordance with our mandate from Parliament, we devote a good deal of effort to making information about the federal electoral system widely available to all Canadians. This Web site is part of that effort and we intend to make it a valuable and accessible resource for everyone interested in elections.

The site is firmly placed on the leading edge of Internet-based electoral information. It offers a very wide range of well-organized information. For example, you will find:

  • for journalists and members of the public, clear and easy access to the financial reports of political parties and candidates

  • a media section bringing together documents and data of interest to members of the press

  • complete and easy-to-access information on the results of past elections

  • a section on upcoming elections

  • a complete Web site for young voters

  • a section on the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada (method of appointment, predecessors, etc.)

  • a section on electoral legislation and policy.

Also featured on the site is a service to which you can subscribe in order to be notified by e-mail when new information is posted. There is no subscription charge for these services.

Our Web site is not just a source of information; it is a communication tool that works in both directions. You can download certain electoral forms, order publications and send us your questions and comments, which we always welcome.

Jean-Pierre Kingsley

Chief Electoral Officer

Questions? Call or mail us.

Last Modified: 2004-4-28

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