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Elections and Registration in Afghanistan (ERA) Project

Elections Canada: International: Elections and Registration in Afghanistan (ERA) Project

Elections and Registration in Afghanistan (ERA) Project

The Elections and Registration in Afghanistan (ERA) Project is funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) through Elections Canada. The International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) is the implementing organization of the ERA Project. The goal of ERA is to support the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan (TISA) and the United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA) in preparing for national elections in 2004. Under ERA Phase I, IFES provided specialists in systems of representation, voter registration, civic education and political party law. The specialists conducted assessments in their areas of expertise and submitted their conclusions and recommendations to UNAMA.

Topical Report #1 Afghanistan Transitional Election Management Body
Topical Report #2 Elections and Security in Afghanistan
Topical Report #3 Options for an Electoral System for the Afghanistan Wolesi Jirga
Topical Report #4 Political Party Development in Afghanistan
Topical Report #5 Addendum to Political Party Development in Afghanistan
Topical Report #6 Issues for Voter Registration
Topical Report #7 Planning For Voter Registration
Topical Report #8 Voter Registration Sequencing and Related Activities
Topical Report #9

Notes on Current Population Estimates by Province & District

Topical Report #10 Civic Education in Afghanistan

Questions? Call or mail us.

Last Modified: 2004-4-16

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