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Bilateral Technical Co-operation Agreement Between the Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) and Elections Canada

Elections Canada: International: Bilateral Technical Co-operation Agreement Between the Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) and Elections Canada

In June 1996, the IFE and Elections Canada signed a technical co-operation agreement with a view to establishing flexible and long-term mechanisms for the exchange of information about programs and practices, in order to encourage links and exchanges between the organizations. In June 1996, the agreement came into force for a five-year period. The agreement was extended for another five years in June 2001.

The purpose of the agreement is to identify and promote exchange, consultation, co-operation and technical support projects and programs with respect to electoral administration at the bilateral and international levels, in addition to strengthening links between the IFE and Elections Canada, and helping them achieve their respective goals.

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Last Modified: 2001-6-26

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