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Elections Canada: Election Financing
Information for You
Young Voters
Aboriginal Voters
Political Entities and Other Organizations
39th General Election
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Find out about contributions to candidates, political parties, and other political entities, their electoral expenses and the regulations concerning them. Please consult the document on limits "There’s a limit to how much you can give."

General Information on Election Financing
Contributions and Expenses (database) – search tool
  Campaign returns of candidates in an election, leadership contestants, nomination contestants and financial transaction returns of registered electoral district associations and registered political parties
Contributions and Expenses at a Federal Election or By-election: Candidates and Registered Parties – backgrounder
2003 Electoral Reform – Political Financing
Current Limits

Registered Political Parties

Contributions and Expenses (database) – search tool
  Registered Party Financial Transactions Return

Statistical Tables and Other Information

  Registered Party Financial Transactions Quarterly Returns – Additional Information Provided by the Party (PDF)
  Extensions of the Period for Providing the Registered Party Financial Transactions Returns
  Registered Political Parties' Returns in Respect of Elections Expenses, Expenses Limits, Reimbursements
  Statements of Assets and Liabilities and Statements of Revenues and Expenses
Contributions and Expenses (database) – search tool
  Candidate's Electoral Campaign Return
Statistical Tables and Other Information
  Limits on Expenses, Reimbursements, Surplus, Unpaid Claims
Registered Electoral District Associations
Contributions and Expenses (database) – search tool
  Registered Association Financial Transactions Return
Statistical Tables and Other Information
  Statements of Assets and Liabilities
Leadership Contestants
Contributions and Expenses (database) – search tool
  Contestant's Leadership Campaign Return
Leadership Contest of the Green Party of Canada
(June 29, 2004 to August 28, 2004)
Leadership Contestant’s Registration Reports
Leadership Contestant’s Weekly Campaign Returns
Nomination Contestants
Contributions and Expenses (database) – search tool
  Contestant's Nomination Campaign Return
Third Parties
Rule changes regarding third parties. Click here.
Third Party Election Advertising Reports

Questions? Call or mail us.

Last Modified: 2006-1-6

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