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APEX Award for Leadership in Service Innovation

Elections Canada: Registration of Electors: APEX Award for Leadership in Service Innovation

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In May 1998, the National Register of Electors Project Team at Elections Canada won the prestigious Award for Leadership in Service Innovation presented by the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (APEX). This award, sponsored by Deloitte Consulting, is presented annually to a team of federal public servants that develops an innovative practice resulting in improved service delivery to the citizens of Canada.

The National Register of Electors Project Team was recognized for its development of the Register, an automated database of Canadians qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums. The Register eliminates the need for time-consuming and expensive door-to-door enumeration. This will reduce costs by some $30 million for each federal general election and referendum, and will also lead to significant cost reductions at the provincial, territorial, and municipal levels as they use the Register to forego enumeration.

This innovation was made possible by applying developments in information technology and by forging ground-breaking alliances with federal, provincial, and territorial government organizations for the supply and exchange of data to keep the Register up-to-date. To further recognize the achievements of the project team, and to ensure that the lessons learned are widely communicated, Deloitte Consulting is pleased to present this synopsis of the National Register of Electors project.


Report: PDF Format APEX Award for Leadership in Service Innovation

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Last Modified: 2000-11-22

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