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1999-2000 Electoral Reform

Elections Canada: Electoral Law & Policy: 1999-2000 Electoral Reform

Bill C-2, which received royal assent on May 31, 2000, introduces a new Canada Elections Act. The new Act came into force on September 1, 2000, after the Chief Electoral Officer published a notice in the Canada Gazette indicating that the necessary preparations for bringing the Act into operation had been made.

The following sources contain additional information on the electoral reform.

Rule changes regarding third parties. Click here.

The New Canada Elections Act

An Act respecting the election of members to the House of Commons, repealing other Acts relating to elections and making consequential amendments to other Acts

Summary Issues on Bill C-2

Bill C-2

Comments from the Chief Electoral Officer

Chief Electoral Officer's Recommendations

Business of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs

Business of the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs

Parliamentary Review of Bill C-2

  1. Debates of the House of Commons of Canada

  2. Debates of the Senate of Canada

Major Court Cases Relating to the Federal Electoral Legislation



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Last Modified: 2004-5-18

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