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Elections Canada: General Information: Backgrounders

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Enforcing the Canada Elections Act

The Commissioner of Canada Elections

The Commissioner of Canada Elections is the independent officer whose duty is to ensure that the Canada Elections Act is complied with and enforced. The Chief Electoral Officer of Canada appoints the Commissioner under section 509 of the Act.

The current Commissioner, Raymond A. Landry, C.M., was appointed in April 1992.


The Election Expenses Act of 1974, a series of amendments to the Canada Elections Act, created the position of Commissioner of Election Expenses, whose responsibilities were restricted to ensuring that the election expenses provisions of the Act were complied with and enforced. In 1977, the Commissioner's responsibilities were extended to cover all provisions of the Canada Elections Act.

Role of the Commissioner

Generally speaking, the compliance aspect of the Commissioner's role involves taking corrective action when the law is infringed. One aspect, for example, is ensuring that registered political parties, electoral district associations, leadership contestants, nomination contestants, candidates, and all their agents fulfill their obligations under the Act. These obligations include submitting financial returns and other documents by the deadlines specified in the Act.

Anyone with a complaint or allegation of wrongdoing should refer it to the Commissioner. A review is made of each one to determine whether there is a basis for the allegation. When satisfied that there is substance to the complaint, the Commissioner may order an investigation. If the Chief Electoral Officer has reasonable grounds to believe that an election officer may have committed an offence, the Chief Electoral Officer directs the Commissioner to make the inquiries that appear to be called for in the circumstances. The Commissioner retains the services of resource persons at the Ottawa office and across the country to assist in the exercise of his statutory mandate and to deal promptly with acts or omissions contrary to the Act.

During an election period, if there is evidence leading the Commissioner to believe that a serious breach of the Act may compromise the fairness of the electoral process, the Commissioner may, taking into consideration the public interest, apply to a court for an injunction ordering the person in question to comply with the law. The Commissioner may also conclude a compliance agreement with anyone the Commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe has committed, is about to commit or is likely to commit an offence. This is a voluntary agreement between the Commissioner and the person, in which the person agrees to terms and conditions necessary to ensure compliance with the Act. The Commissioner makes a summary of the compliance agreement public.

After giving a registered party a reasonable opportunity to clarify its fundamental purposes, the Commissioner may also ask a court to order the deregistration of that party if the Commissioner has reasonable grounds to suspect that the party does not have as one of its fundamental purposes to participate in public affairs by endorsing one or more of its members as candidates and supporting their election.

When prosecution is authorized

If the Commissioner believes on reasonable grounds that an offence under the Act has been committed, and that the public interest justifies it, the Commissioner may institute a prosecution or cause one to be instituted.

The Commissioner must consent to prosecutions under the Act. The Commissioner consents to a prosecution only when satisfied that the evidence demonstrates a reasonable prospect of conviction, and that the public interest requires the prosecution. Once the Commissioner authorizes a prosecution, charges are filed in a court of competent jurisdiction.

A prosecution for an offence must be instituted within 18 months after the day on which the Commissioner became aware of the facts giving rise to the prosecution, and not later than seven years after the day on which the offence was committed.

Types of offences

Sections 480 to 499 of the Act list the offence provisions, categorized according to whether intent is required, and the burden of proof required to prosecute them. Offences include:

  • illegally attempting to influence the vote of an elector or the results of an election
  • illegally hampering or delaying the electoral process
  • contravening the limits and obligations set out for contributions and expenses, including circumventing, attempting to circumvent or colluding in circumventing the rules for ineligible contributors, for concealing a contributor's identity and for contribution limits
  • contravening the limits and obligations set out for third-party election advertising
  • publishing the results of an election opinion poll during the blackout period or without the accompanying information required by the Act
  • election advertising during the blackout period
  • prematurely publishing election results
  • partisan action by an election officer
  • using personal information from a voters list or from the National Register of Electors for unauthorized purposes
  • acting as an officer of a registered political party while knowing that the party does not include participating in public affairs among its essential objectives
  • as a party leader, certifying a declaration or report while knowing that the document contains false or misleading information
  • accepting or soliciting contributions for a political entity while representing to the contributor that part or all of the contribution could be transferred to some person or entity other than the registered party, candidate, leadership contestant or electoral district association


When the Commissioner authorizes the laying of a charge, a decision is made whether to proceed by way of summary conviction or indictment. These are different criminal processes that relate for the most part to the procedure to be followed before the courts. The choice depends on the seriousness of the offence and will affect the nature of the penalty in the event of a conviction.

If a judge finds a person guilty of an offence, the person may receive a fine or a period of imprisonment, or both. The court may also impose additional penalties, such as:

  • performing community service
  • performing the obligation that gave rise to the offence
  • compensating for damages, or any other reasonable measure the court considers appropriate, and
  • a fine of up to five times the election advertising expenses limit exceeded by a third party
  • with respect to certain offences, order the deregistration of a party and liquidation of its assets, and the liquidation of the assets of the party's registered associations

The Act stipulates that certain offences are illegal practices (such as taking a false oath) or corrupt practices (such as offering a bribe). In addition to any other penalty that may be imposed, a person found guilty of one of these offences loses the right to be a candidate in a federal election, to sit as a member in the House of Commons, and to hold any office to which the incumbent is appointed by the Crown or by Governor in Council – for five years in the case of an illegal act, and for seven years in the case of corrupt practices.

For more information, please contact:

Elections Canada
257 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M6


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May 2004

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Last Modified: 2005-11-1

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