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Elections Canada: General Information: Backgrounders

Elections Canada on the World Scene:
Sharing Experience with Developing Democracies

Recognized as an ardent supporter of democracy around the world, Canada has helped establish a variety of multilateral and bilateral programs offering professional support and technical assistance to countries developing democratic institutions. Since 1980, Elections Canada has organized some 400 international democratic development missions in 100 countries around the world.

Elections Canada's international activities are undertaken in response to requests from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), and various international organizations, including the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the Commonwealth, and La Francophonie.

When Canada is approached for assistance by a multilateral organization or an individual country, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade makes the initial decision about participation, while CIDA, in most cases, provides funding. Elections Canada supplies the necessary expertise from within its own ranks, by calling on provincial electoral agencies, or by bringing in technical or electoral experts (academics, retired diplomats, returning officers, and others).

Elections Canada has extensive experience in conducting electoral events in a bilingual and multicultural context over a vast and diverse territory. However, its missions abroad do not seek to promote Canada's electoral system or Canadian procedures. Rather, they identify the choices available to each host country, taking into account its specific challenges and opportunities, and help select and implement the option best suited to the country's laws, customs and environment.

Elections Canada's international missions range in length from ten days to six months or more. International projects vary widely, and can include the following activities:

  • advising on constitutional and election law provisions, as well as all aspects of election process administration
  • conducting pre-election evaluations to assess the electoral environment and identify potential problems
  • providing professional support and technical assistance in these areas, such as preparing election documents and materials, training election officials, establishing electoral district boundaries, generating and updating electoral lists, developing and conducting voter education programs, and working with the host country's electoral agency to assist in preparing for and conducting elections
  • organizing briefing sessions for delegations visiting Canada from other countries and distributing information on Canadian electoral processes
  • offering assistance to other countries to facilitate voting in their elections by their citizens living in Canada
  • conducting bilateral exchanges of knowledge and information
  • participating in multilateral and international forums established to exchange information about electoral matters, including the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES); the Council on Governmental Ethics and Law; the Association of Central and Eastern European Election Officials; the International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers; the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA); the Federal Electoral Institute of Mexico (Instituto Federal Electoral – IFE); the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United Nations (UN).

The agency has also established continuing relationships with the electoral authorities of other countries, notably Mexico, which foster a valuable exchange of information and expertise on various aspects of electoral administration.

In addition, Elections Canada is a founding member of the Partnership for Electoral and Democratic Development (PEDD). PEDD was created in April 1999 and involves the following organizations, in addition to Elections Canada: IFES, an international, non-partisan, non-governmental organization that has undertaken activities related to democracy and governance in more than 100 countries since 1987; IDEA, an intergovernmental organization founded in 1995 to promote sustainable democracy and develop standards and guidelines for election administration; the United Nations Electoral Assistance Division (UN-EAD), which provides electoral assistance in numerous countries; and IFE, Mexico's non-partisan agency for electoral administration.

IFES, IDEA and UN-EAD will concentrate on promoting and sponsoring technical assistance. Mexico's IFE and Elections Canada will contribute experts and knowledge about electoral procedures. Together, they will be mindful to complement the tasks of other international organizations involved in electoral assistance, to avoid duplication of efforts and seek synergies in the quest to build the institutional capacity of electoral organizations.

For more information:

Elections Canada
257 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M6


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September 2005

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Last Modified: 2005-11-1

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