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Welcome to our searchable database on financial reporting. This database includes information extracted from financial reports of candidates in an election, leadership contestants, nomination contestants, registered electoral district associations, and registered political parties.

We have taken great care to transcribe the data accurately. However, if an error is reported, we will correct it when we next update the files.

Jean-Pierre Kingsley
Chief Electoral Officer of Canada

Note: The Search by contributions across all political entities is currently undergoing further testing and is not available. You can still find all contribution information in the various financial reports listed below.

The search tools on our Web site were developed for the convenience of the user because the source documents present information in different formats, and some of the source documents are voluminous. Elections Canada's search engines are programmed to compile financial and other information from various databases. However, these utilities have certain limitations. If a result appears incorrect when using these tools or if you experience technical difficulties, please contact Elections Canada. Our software is continuously being improved based on your comments.

In interpreting or applying the information, reference must be made to the original documents, which can be obtained by calling Elections Canada at 1 800 463-6868.

Search a specific financial report:

Name of financial report

Frequency of report
Data availability
   Choose a period:
Candidate's Electoral Campaign Return   Each electoral event   1997 and beyond      Jan. 1, 2004 and beyond
               Sept. 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2003
                1997 to Aug. 31, 2000
Contestant's Leadership Campaign Return   Each leadership contest   2004 and beyond*      2004 and beyond
Contestant's Nomination Campaign Return   Each nomination contest   2004 and beyond*      Jan. 1, 2004 and beyond
Registered Association Financial Transactions Return   Yearly   2004 and beyond*      2004 and beyond
Registered Party Financial Transactions Return   Yearly   1993 and beyond      2004 and beyond **
               2001 to 2003
               1993 to 2000
    Quarterly   2005 and beyond*      2005 and beyond

* Financial reporting was not required under the Canada Elections Act prior to 2004.

** Conservative Party of Canada – 2004 fiscal period

On December 7, 2003, the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada merged to form the Conservative Party of Canada. When two registered parties merge, the Act requires each party to file a final return with Elections Canada for the fiscal period up to the date of the merger.

On June 7, 2004, the two merging parties filed final fiscal returns covering the period from January 1, 2003, to December 6, 2003. The data for the period from December 7 to December 31, 2003, were reported in the 2004 fiscal return filed by the newly formed Conservative Party of Canada.

The data for this period are provided under the year 2003.

Jean-Pierre Kingsley, Chief Electoral Officer of Canada