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Welcome to our Website

The CHP is Canada's only pro-Life, pro-family federal political party, and the only federal party that endorses the principles of the Preamble to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the Canadian Constitution:
"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law..."

Election 2006

Locate YOUR CHP Candidate

CHP ELECTION 2006 Platform

Imagine: CHP's VISION for Canada


The CHP SPEAKS OUT on Important Issues

Speeches & Interviews By RON GRAY in RealAudio

CHP 2006 CAMPAIGN Videos

Read MEDIA REPORTS about the CHP


You can help put the CHP on TV

Thanks to a lot of individuals across Canada, the Christian Heritage Party — for the first time ever — has been able to begin putting its positive message of hope on national television. And the response has been encouraging!

Most Canadians still haven’t heard how the last Parliament changed the law on election financing to give the four big parties $24 million a year of taxpayers’ money for their election campaign expenses.

Remember all those “attack ads”? You helped pay for them!

At the same time, limits on private donations were tightened, so a party like the CHP — which depends entirely on donations — has a much harder time getting its message out.

For seven years, the CHP has been telling Ottawa, “Legislation shouldn’t focus on how election financing rules can help the parties, but on the need — and the right — of voters to information.” But in the four parties Canadians sent to Parliament in the past, that message — just like the CHP’s exhortation to restrain judicial activism — has fallen on deaf ears.

You can make a donation TODAY to help the CHP put its message on television during the last days of the campaign. Just call toll-free to

1-888-868-3247 to make a secure donation on your visa. If you prefer to send a cheque, they’ll tell you how.

There are generous income tax credits for donations to a registered political party like the CHP: for example, a $300 credit for a contribution of $400, so the real cost is only $100—up to a maximum credit of $650 for a contribution of $1,275. The limit on donations is $5,000 from any individual to any registered party; the limit on corporate donations is $1,000 to any registered party.

Time is short, so please act TODAY!

Interesting Links:
An Insider's View of Evangelicals
How'd They Vote? (Check your MP's voting record)
Canadian Forum (Please participate in this Christian Political forum)
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (Election resources)

CHP News
Same-Sex "Marriage" Action Guide

This week's Communiqué
The fight to save democracy in Canada

The CHP Speaks Out!
They make YOU pay their re-election bills
Ron Gray, January 12, 2006
We at the CHP thought it would be a public service to let you know how much you contribute to the re-election campaigns of the four big parties who were in the last Parliament, and to the campaign of the still-unelected Green Party.

Please Write A 'Letter to the Editor'
Ron Gray, January 3, 2006
In 2006, Canadians must seriously consider political alternatives. And Christians must shake off their apathy—one survey says that 52% of Christians failed to vote in 2004—and fulfill their duty to God and country.

See Past Articles: Go to Archive >>

