Welcome to the official website of the
Name under which the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is registered for electoral purposes

NATIONAL OFFICE: 1867 Amherst Street, Montreal, Quebec H2L 3L7 
Tel/Fax: (514) 522-1373 Email: info@mlpc.ca

UPDATED September 9, 2008

What Kind of Leadership?
The federal election has barely been called and already the monopoly media have declared that the theme of the election is "leadership." The propaganda of the ruling elites has shifted from finding fault with the Harper government for calling a snap election in spite of his legislation on fixed election dates, to an excitement over the election as an opportunity for the people to decide who is the "best leader" and to "choose between two visions of society." [more]

Liberal Green Shift Is a Fraud
The Liberal Party Green Shift is an attempt to stop a growing social consciousness that the monopolies are responsible for environmental degradation and that company polluters must be held to account to clean up the damage they have caused to Mother Earth. The Green Shift manipulates the concern of the people over the damage caused by the private monopolies whose only goal is to increase their power and wealth at the expense of the working class, middle strata, nation-building and Mother Earth. [more]

Workers of British Columbia Need Their Own Representatives in Parliament
As the federal election begins, of the 36 ridings in British Columbia, 18 are held by the Conservatives, 10 by the NDP and 7 by the Liberals. Blair Wilson, MP for West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country, was elected as a Liberal in 2006, resigned from the Liberal caucus in 2007 and recently announced that he had joined the Green Party, becoming the first member of the Green Party to sit as an MP. [more]

Previous News Items
For Your Information
Letters to the MLPC

Stop Paying the Rich -- Increase Funding for Social Programs!

MLPC Briefs to Parliamentary Committees
Electoral Reform and Party Financing
Social Security Reform
Citizenship and Immigration
Canadian Unity and Identity
Foreign Policy
What the MLPC Had to Say Following the Last General Election
Conservatives Take Over Where Liberals Left Off
Significance of the Election Results
Stephen Harper's "Open Federalism"

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