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A Message from Tracy Parsons, the Leader of the Progressive Canadian (PC) Party.

I’m proud to announce that Canadians in 25 ridings across the country will have a real alternative to vote for. Progressive Canadians offer a socially progressive and fiscally responsible option.

We are Canada’s oldest and Canada’s newest political option. Our historical roots are in the very best traditions of the former federal Progressive Conservative Party. Our future is in the mainstream of Canadian Politics.

Here is a list of those candidates. They represent a broad base of skills and experience from former cabinet ministers to church ministers, from small business owners to students. In the list below, you can click on the riding name to bring you to the web-site of candidates. Or you can click on their name to send an email.

And please, don’t hesitate to contact me or any member of the team. This is a party that listens.

We've listened to you and we've developed some real alternatives in our
platform. Click here to read about them.

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Tracy Speaks
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