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Agriculture and Agri-Food Department

Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee

Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee (3rd Session, 37th Parliament)

Agri-food sector

Agropur Cooperative Agro-Alimentaire see Milk--Export restrictions

Ahenakew, David see Anti-semitism

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud see Iran

Ahmadiyya community

Ahuntsic constituency see Elections--Returning officers, Riding association presidents

Aiding Youth for Life see HIV/AIDS--Combatting


AIMS see Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS)

Air cadets see Canadian Forces--Cadets

Air Canada

Air Canada Jazz

Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, Jean)

Air conditioning see Cooling systems--Deep lake water cooling

Air India

Air pollution

Air Quality Forum see Forest industry

Air traffic controllers see Public safet occupations--Pensions

Air transportation

Air transportation security

Air Travellers Security Charge

Air Travellers Security Charge Act (amdt.)

Aircraft see Avro Arrow; Canadian Forces; Government aircraft

Aircraft accidents

Aircraft/aerospace industry

Aircraft carriers see Canadian Forces--Ships

Airline travel see Infectious disease--Introduction/spread


Airport Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) see Airports


Aksich, Madeline-Ann

Akwesasne see Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne

Al Qaida (terrorist group)

Alaska-Canada Rail Corridor Conference see Rail transportation/railways


Alberta Court of Queen's Bench see Mackenzie Valley pipeline--Land disputes

Alberta Scene see National Arts Centre

Albinati, André

Alcock, Hon. Reg (Lib.--Winnipeg South; President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board)

Alcohol see Fetal alcohol syndrome; Marijuana--Decriminalization; Parole

Alcoholic beverages

Alderney Landing, NS

Alexis Nihon REIT see Library and Archives Canada

Alfred Bog

Algeria see Refugees--Cherfi, Mohammed

Algoma--Manitoulin--Kapuskasing constituency

Algonquin College

AlimenTerre cooperative

Aliments de Santé Laurier

All India Pingalwara Charitable Society see Kaur, Dr. Inderjit

Alliance Française de Toronto

Allied Wings Flight Training Services see Canadian Forces--Flight training

Allison, Dean (CPC--Niagara West--Glanbrook)

Allotted days see Supply days

Alonzo, Anne-Marie

Alpaca breeders see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Other ruminants

ALS Month Act (Bill C-384)--Tilson

Alterglobalist Quebec see Quebec separation/sovereignty

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) see Aboriginal education and training--Residential schools

Alternative Fuels Act (amdt.)(Bill C-450)--Silva

Alternative/renewable/green energy

Alternative Service Delivery (ASD) see Canadian Forces; Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)

Alzheimer Society of Laval

Alzheimer's disease

Amateur radio operators see Radio frequency

Amateur sport see Sport

Ambassador Bridge see Border, Canadian--Windsor, ON crossing


Ambrose, Rona (CPC--Edmonton--Spruce Grove)

Americas see Social development fund of the Americas

Amherstburg, ON see General Amherst High School

Ammunition see Canadian Forces--Military equipment

Amnesty International see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Economic/social conditions; Violence against women

Amritsar, Punjab see India--Operation Blue Star

Amsterdam, Robert see Russian Federation--Human rights violations

Amsterdam, Netherlands see Murder--Van Gogh, Theo

Amusement parks see Penitentiary inmates--Termporary absences

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Anal sex see Age of consent (sexual relations)

Ancaster Fair see Agricultural fairs

Anders, Rob (CPC--Calgary West)

Anderson, William III see Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement

Anderson, David (CPC--Cypress Hills--Grasslands)

Anderson, Hon. David (Lib.--Victoria)

André, Guy (BQ--Berthier--Maskinongé)

Andrew, William E. see University of Prince Edward Island

Angel, Adam see Border, Canadian--Roosville, BC crossing

Anglers and hunters

Anglican Church of Canada see Holy Trinity Anglican Church

Anglican Church of Canada Act (Bill S-25)--Anderson, David (Victoria)


Angus, Charlie (NDP--Timmins--James Bay)

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