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Container security see Border, Canadian--Canada-United States co-operation

Container ships see Marine transportation security (ports, etc.); Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)

Contaminated sites

Contingency reserve see Budget 2004; Budget 2005

Contracting out see Canadian Forces--Alternative Service Delivery (ASD)

Contractors see Security clearances

Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act see Criminal Code and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--proceeds of crime)(Bill C-53); Methamphetamine/crystal meth--Classifying as schedule 1 drug; Property rights--Government actions preventing use or reducing value

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-431)--Merrifield

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--growing or producing cannabis)(Bill C-426)--Chamberlain

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--substances used in the production of methamphetamine)(Bill C-349)

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school)(Bill C-248)--Hill

Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others (United Nations) see Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)

Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment see International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4)

Cool Climate Crop Research Centre see Agriculture--Research

Cooling systems

Co-op Week

Cooperative Association of Family Economy of the North

Cooperative Credit Associations Act see Financial Institutions Legislation Amendment Act (Bill C-57)

Co-operative development initiative see Co-operatives

Coopérative d'habitation à l'étage see Housing--Co-operative housing

Co-operative housing see Housing

Co-operative Housing Programs Administration Agency see Housing--Co-operative housing


COPD see Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Copeman Healthcare Centre, Vancouver BC see Health care--Private clinic

Coppard, Alice

Copps, Sheila see Marriage--Same-sex couples


Copyright Act

Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-60)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Frulla)

Coquitlam, BC

Corbeil, Benoit see Judges--Appointments; Liberal Party--Donations; Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission

Corbett, William C. (Clerk of the House of Commons)

Core, Charles Carman see Brampton, ON

Core, John see Canadian Dairy Commission

Cormorant helicopters see Canadian Forces--Helicopters

Corn industry

Corner Gas

Cornerstone Awards

Cornwall, ON see Domtar

Cornwall Centennial Choir

Corporal punishment see Children

Corporate governance see Banks and financial institutions--Governance; Crown corporations; Insurance industry

Corporate income tax

*BiCorporate Social Responsibility see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth


Correctional officers see Penitentiaries

Correctional Service of Canada see Health care; Penitentiaries--Correctional officers

Corrections and Conditional Release Act see Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-393); Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--sexual assault on child--dangerous offenders)(Bill C-401)

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--dependence on alcohol or drugs)(Bill C-328)--Thompson, M.

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--elimination of statutory release)(Bill C-204)--Gouk

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--establishment of the Office of Victims Ombudsman of Canada)(Bill C-243)--Bonin

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--indictable offence committed while on conditional release)(Bill C-402)--Sorenson

Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-46)--Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (McLellan)

Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--minimum security level of incarceration for first third of sentence)(Bill C-411)--Mackay

Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--truth in sentencing)(Bill C-308)--Vellacott

Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Prisons and Reformatories Act (amdt.--conditional release)(Bill C-399)--Sorenson

Corriveau, Jacques see Liberal Party; Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission

Corrupt regimes see Immigration/immigrants--Investor category



Costa Rica see Elections; Sugar

Côté, Guy (BQ--Portneuf--Jacques Cartier)

Cote, Kirby see Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)

Côté, Paul see VIA Rail Canada Inc.--President and Chief Executive Officer

Côté, Yves see National Defence Department and Canadian Forces Ombudsman

Côté-Lévesque, Corine

Cotler, Hon. Irwin (Lib.--Mount Royal; Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada)

Coulombe, Pierre see National Research Council of Canada

Coulter, Art

Council of the Federation see Federalism

Counterfeit see Currency; Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Internet sales; Identity theft

Courage Campaign see Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Foundation

Course de la banquise Portneuf-Alcoa


Coventry, Vermont see Water pollution--Lake Memphrémagog

Cowansville, QC see Canadian Forces--Military equiopment, Vehicles; Textile and clothing industry--Consoltex Inc.

CPIC see Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC)

CPR see Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)

CRA see Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

Crab fishery see Fisheries--Crab

Crabtree QC see Cycling--International BMX race

Crack cocaine see Cocaine

Craig Manufacturing

Crawford see Hepatitis C

Credit see Aboriginal peoples/communities

Credit cards

Credit ombudsman

Credit Ombudsman Act (Bill C-389)--Martin Pat

Credit rating see National debt--Reduction

Credit Union Day

Cree see Cree of Northern Quebec; Mushkegowuk Cree First Nations; Norway House Cree Nation

Cree, Maya

Cree of Northern Quebec

Crestwood Community Centre

Crête, Paul (BQ--Montmagny--L'Islet--Kamouraska--Rivière-du-Loup)

Crime prevention

Crimean War see Victoria Cross--Dunn, Alexander

Criminal Code

Criminal Code (amdt.--age of consent)(Bill C-267)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-329)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.--blood alcohol content)(Bill C-455)--Warawa

Criminal Code (amdt.--breach of a conditional sentence order)(Bill C-340)--MacKay

Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography)(Bill C-292)--Moore, J.

Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography, child prostitution and child corruption)(Bill C-303)--Marceau

Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentence of imprisonment)(Bill C-70)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)

Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentencing)(Bill C-257)--Hill

Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences)(Bill C-290)--Moore, J.

Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences for use of firearm in commission of offence)(Bill C-215)--Kramp

Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal interest rate)(Bill C-361)--Julian

Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal interest rate)(Bill S-19)--Boivin

Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-50)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)

Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous offender)(Bill C-298)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.--destruction or desecration of national flag)(Bill C-294)--Warawa

Criminal Code (amdt.--eliminating conditional sentencing for violent offenders)(Bill C-205)--Gouk

Criminal Code (amdt.--elimination of conditional sentencing)(Bill C-400)--Sorenson

Criminal Code (amdt.--failure to stop at scene of accident)(Bill C-275)--Harris

Criminal Code (amdt.--failure to stop at scene of accident)(Bill C-427)--White

Criminal Code (amdt.--firearms)(Bill C-82)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)

Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda)(Bill C-385)--Wrzesnewskyj

Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)(Bill C-16)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)

Criminal Code (amdt.--interference with a peace officers protective equipment)(Bill C-342)--Mackay

Criminal Code (amdt.--keeping child pornography in a manner that is not reasonably secure from access by others)(Bill C-412)--MacKay

Criminal Code (amdt.--legal duty oustide Canada)(Bill C-369)--Broadbent

Criminal Code (amdt.--mental disorder)(Bill C-10)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)

Criminal Code (amdt.--murder of parole officer or firefighter)(Bill C-438)--MacKay

Criminal Code (amdt.--order of prohibition)(Bill C-339)--MacKay

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