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Equine Canada see Horses--Registration

Equity shares see Banks and financial institutions

Equivalency tests see Immigration/immigrants--Education requirements

Erasmus-Dussault commission see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault)

ERC see Cabinet Committee on Expenditure Review (ERC)

Eritrea-Ethiopia border see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh

Ernst & Young see Atlantic Industries Limited--Wilson, Mike

Erskine, Bruce see Rowing


Essay contest see A&E; Television Network

Estavan, SK see Souris--Moose Mountain constituency

Esteem Team program see Youth--Athletics



Établissements vert Bruntland see Fitz-Back, Monique


Ethics see Coffin, Paul; Government; Laval Police Department--Moreau, Inspector Gilles; Liberal government (Martin); Walsh, Jim

Ethics Commissioner


Ethnic cleansing see Acadians; Baltic states

Ethnic communities

Ethnocultural communities see Multiculturalism

Etobicoke Business Excellence Awards

Etobicoke--Lakeshore constituency

Etobicoke North constituency

Etobicoke Rotary Club

Etobicoke Sports Hall of Fame

EU see European Union (EU)

Europe see Foreign aid

European Union (EU)


Evangelical Fellowship of Canada see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Eveley, Glen see Auto theft--Death of auxiliary Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer Glen Eveley

Evergreening see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patents

Evidence (legal proceedings)

Evolution theory see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Evriviades, Euripes L. see Cyprus

Examination of New Directions Governing Contribution Agreements for Selected Programs Delivered on Behalf of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada see Government programs; Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth

Exchange programs see Youth

Excise duties and taxes

Excise Tax Act (amdt.)

Excise Tax Act (amdt.)

Excise Tax Act (amd.--children's diapers)(Bill C-305)--St-Hilaire

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--elimination of excise tax on jewellery)(Bill C-259)--Duncan

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--feminine hygiene products)(Bill C-319)--Wasylycia-Leis

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--literacy materials)(Bill C-239)--Wasylycia-Leis

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--motor vehicle fuel)(Bill C-448)--Bezan

Excise Tax Act (amdt--no GST on books and pamphlets)(Bill C-435)--McDonough

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--no excise tax on fuel for farmers and fishermen)(Bill C-458)--Bezan

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--rebate on goods and services tax on new homes)(Bill C-463)--Hiebert

Excise Tax Act, 2001 (amdt.--wine exemption)(Bill C-451)--Allison

Exercise Cougar Salvo 2005 see Canadian Forces

Exotic dancers/strippers see see Immigration/immigrants--Exotic dancer program--Sgro

Experimental Farms

"Expert Panel on Accountability Mechanisms for Gender Equality: conclusions and Recommendations" see Women--Equality

Exploring Canada's Relations with the Countries of the Muslim World see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, First

Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (amdt.)(Bill S-36)--Minister of Natural Resources (Efford)

Export Development Canada (EDC)

Export of Military Goods from Canada see Military equipment

Exporters see Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME); Trade--Disputes with other countries



External Advisory Committe on Smart Regulation see Regulations

Extra-curricular activities

Extraordinary rendition see Airports--United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) "prison planes" landing at Canadian airports


Extradition Act see Criminal Code (bail for persons charged with violent offences), Extradition Act and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.)(Bill C-327)

Exxon Valdez see Oil spills

Eyadema, Gnassingbe see Togo--President Gnassingbe Eyadéma

Eye health/disease

Eyking, Hon. Mark (Lib.--Sydney--Victoria)

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