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Hostess bakeries see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

Hot air credits (emission exchange) see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Kyoto Protocol

Hotels see Russian Federation--Moscow hotel owned by Canadian investors

Hovercraft see Canadian Coast Guard; St. Lawrence River--Canadian Coast Guard role

House arrest see Sentences (convicted criminals)

House do now adjourn see Procedure

House of Commons

House of Commons debate

House of Commons pages

House of Commons proceedings

House of Commons vacancies

House of Commons visitors


Howard, Clayton Kempton see Murder

Howard, John see Australia

Howard House (halfway house)

Howe, Joseph

Hubbard, Charles (Lib.--Miramichi)

Hudson, QC see Firefighters--Deaths in line of duty, Ratcliffe, James

Hughes, Clara see Speed skating--Winnipeg, MB centre

Hull--Aylmer constituency

Hulse, Reverend Canon Robert

Human cloning

Human organ trade see Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)

Human organs see Organ donations/transplants

Human Resources and Skills Development annual average wage settlement index see Members of Parliament--Salaries and allowances

Human Resources and Skills Development Department

Human Resources Development Department

Human resources index see Canada

Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee

Human rights

Human smuggling see Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)

Human trafficking see Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)

Humanitarian assistance see Foreign aid

Humanitarian response see International conflicts


Hunting see Anglers and hunters; Outfitting industry; Seal hunting

Hunting and fishing

Huntingdon, QC see Textile and clothing industry--Crisis

Huntington, Eleanor

Hurler-Schele Syndrome see Olsen, Mackenzie


HUSAR teams see Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (HUSAR) teams

Hybrid vehicles see Automobiles/motor vehicles

Hydro-electric power

Hydro One Transmission Line

Hydro Québec

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