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Ianni, Francesca see Teachers--Governor General's Award of Excellence

Ianno, Hon. Tony (Lib.--Trinity--Spadina; Minister of State (Families and Caregivers))

Iannuzzi, Daniel Andrew

IBETs see Integrated Border Enforcement Teams (IBETs)

Ice canoe race see Course de la banquise Portneuf-Alcoa

Ice rental fees see Sports--Amateur sport organizations

Ice storms

Ice wine see Spirit drinks

Iceland see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Arctic Council

ICM see Informal conflict management (ICM)

Identification cards, Border, Canadian--Border/customs officers

Identity theft

Ieverson, Florence see Status of Women, Office of the Coordinator

Ignatieff, Michael see Etobicoke--Lakeshore constituency; Ukrainians

Ignition immobilizers see Automobiles/motor vehicles

Illiteracy see Demers, Jacques

ILO see International Labour Organization (ILO)

IMF see International Monetary Fund (IMF)

"Immigration and passport offices" see Members of Parliament--Constituency offices


Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB)

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative)(Bill C-272)--Siksay

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative)(Bill C-449)--Siksay

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--deportation of refugee claimants)(Bill C-315)--Lunn

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-283)--Grewal, G.

Impact of the Plan to Strengthen Management of Government of Canada Advertising on the Official-Language Minority Media see Official Languages Standing Committee--Reports, First

Impaired driving

Imperial Tobacco Canada


Imprisonment rate see Penitentiary inmates

IMT Partnership see Canadian Forces--Military equipment, Shell cases

In Flanders Fields see McCrae, Maj John; Remembrance Day/Veterans Week

In vitro fertilization see Reproductive and genetic technologies

Incarceration rate see Penitentiary inmates--Imprisonment rate

Inco Limited see Falconbridge Limited


Income splitting see Income tax--Spouses

Income tax

Income Tax Act see Vitamins and supplements--Medical expense deduction; Broadcasting Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.--closed-captioned programming)(Bill C-396)--St-Hilaire

Income Tax Act (amdt.)

Income Tax Act (amdt.)

Income Tax Act (amdt.)

Income Tax Act (amdt.--capital gains exemption on disposition of fishing property)(Bill C-343)--MacAulay

Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption expenses)(Bill C-246)--Hill, J.

Income Tax act (amdt.--child care expenses)(Bill C-395)--St. Hilaire

Income Tax Act (amdt.--community service group membership dues)(Bill C-233)--Stoffer

Income Tax Act (amdt.--deductibility of expenses of tools provided as a requirement of employment)(Bill C-218)--Martin, Pat

Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for volunteer emergancy service)(Bill C-241)--Casson)

Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for volunteer emergency service)(Bill C-273)--Cuzner)

Income Tax Act (definition of "Gaspé Peninsula")(Bill C-460)--Crête

Income Tax Act (amdt.--exclusion of income received by an athlete from a non-profit club, society or association)(Bill C-285)--Anderson, David (Cyprus Hills--Grasslands)

Income Tax Act (amdt.--exemption from taxation of 50% of United States social security payments to Canadian residents)(Bill C-265)--Watson

Income Tax Act (amdt.--expenses incurred by caregivers)(Bill C-253)--Stoffer

Income Tax Act (amdt.--foreign property rule)(Bill C-405)--Hiebert

Income Tax Act (amdt.--herbal remedies)(Bill C-232)--Stoffer

Income Tax (amdt.--female presumption in child care)(Bill C-445)--Chatters

Income Tax Act (amdt.--physical activity and amateur sport fees)(Bill C-252)--Stoffer

Income Tax act (amdt.--public transit costs)(Bill C-306)--St-Hilaire

Income Tax Act (amdt.--transfer of fishing property)(Bill C-354)--Keddy

Income Tax Act (amdt.--travel expenses)(Bill C-462)--Pacetti

Income Tax Act (amdt.--tuition credit and education credit)(Bill C-271)--Chatters

Income Tax Act (amdt.--vitamins)(Bill C-418)--Jaffer

Income Tax Act (amdt.--volunteers)(Bill C-255)--Stoffer

Income Tax Act and Income Tax Regulations (amdt.--public safety occupations)(Bill C-214)--Chatters

Income Tax Reductions Implementation Act (Bill C-80)--Minister of Finance (Goodale)

Income trusts

Independent Booksellers see Booksellers, independent


Indian Act

Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department

Indian Affairs and Northern Development Minister see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Urban aboriginal peoples

Indian agents see Veterans--Aboriginal veterans

Indian Claims Commission of Canada see Prentice--References, Background

Indian reserves see Canadian Human Rights Act; Child care--First nations; Drug and substance abuse--Aboriginal peoples, Wemotaci Indian Reserve; First Nations/Indians; Housing--Insulation; Organized crime--Aboriginal communities and Indian reserves; Smoking--Manitoba legislation

Indian Specific Claims Commission

Indians see First Nations/Indians

Individual Members' Expenditures for the Fiscal Year 2003-04 see Members of Parliament

Indo-Canadian community see Air India--Flight 182, Accused found not guilty; University of Ottawa Heart Institute


Industrial development

Industrial espionage see China--Espionage activities in Canada

Industrial strategy see Productivity--Crisis


Industry Department see Technology Partnerships Canada

Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee

Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee (1st Sess. 37th Parl.) see Competition

Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee (2nd Sess. 37th Parl.) see Foreign investment/ownership--Telecommunications and cable companies restrictions

Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee (2nd Sess. 37th Parl.) see Gasoline prices

Infectious disease



Info-Crime see Organized crime--Loubier position


Informal conflict management (ICM) see Public Service--Human resources management

Information Commissioner

L'information régionale

Information technology see Banks and financial institutions--Governance--Shareholder rights; Government; Government computers

Information technology security

Infoway see Canada Health Infoway

Infrared detection technology see Marijuana--Grow operations


Ingersoll, ON see Canadian Forces--Military equipment, Shell cases

Injured Military Members Compensation Act

Injured Military Members Compensation Act (amdt.--amendment to the short title)(Bill C-330)--Hanger

Inmates see Penitentiary inmates

Innu see Davis Inlet

Inquiries Act see Public Service Commission--President

Insanity defence see Criminals/offenders--Mental disorder

INSETs see Integrated Security Enforcement Teams (INSETs)

Insider training see Income trusts--Income tax status

Institute for Business Technology see Labour relations--"National PEP Your Workplace Week"

Institute for Nutriscience and Health see Health research--National Research Council Institute for Nutriscience and Health

Institut maritime du Québec

Institute of Molecular Medicine and Health see Health sciences research

Insulation see Housing


Insurance Companies Act see Financial Institutions Legislation Amendment Act (Bill C-57)

Insurance industry

Integrated Border Enforcement Teams (IBETs) see Border, Canadian--Canada-United States co-operation

Integrated Proceeds of Crime Inititiave (IPOC) see Proceeds of crime

Integrated resources management strategy see Mackenzie Valley pipeline

Integrated Security Enforcement Teams (INSETs) see National security

Intellectual property

Intelligence see Canadian Forces

Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women see Violence against women--Combatting

Inter-university trade exchange see Universities

Interbasin water system see Water exports

Interest Act (amdt.--interest payable on repayment of a mortgage loan before maturity)(Bill C-244)--Martin, Pat

Interest rates

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