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Lazaridis, Mike see Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Le Clap Cinema, Quebec City QC

Le Devoir see Ethnic communities--Non-white Canadians

Lead fishing weights and baits see Fishing tackle

League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith see Anti-Semitism

Leaks see Finance Standing Committee--Report on the Pre-Budget Consultations 2004; Income tax--Income trusts

Learning agenda see Education

Learning bond see Canada Learning Bond

Learning Partnership see Take Our Kids to Work

Lebanese Canadians


Lebel-sur-Quévillon, QC see Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Impact, Domtar

LeBlanc, Hon. Dominic (Lib.--Beauséjour)

LeBlanc, Eric see Enterprise South East

Leblanc, LS Robert see Canadian Forces

LeBouthillier, Yves see Law Commission of Canada

LeBreton Flats see Firefighters--Deaths in line of duty, Recognizing

Ledcor Industries see Employment--Foreign workers, Oil sands project

Leduc, Ozias see Notre-Dame-de-la-Présentation Church, Shawinigan QC

Leduc, AB see Drug and substance abuse

Lee, Derek (Lib.--Scarborough--Rouge River)

Leeds--Grenville constituency see Brown, Gordon--References

Lefebvre, Sylvain

"Lefties" see Political process

Legal aid see Criminals/offenders--Mental disorder; Justice system--Legal representation

Legal fees see Trade--Disputes with other countries

Legal proceedings see Evidence (legal proceedings)

Legault, Guylaine see Co-operatives--Quebec co-operative movement merit awards

Légendes fantastiques

Legion of Honour (France) see Dalphond-Guiral


Legislative process

Legislative Committees see Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38) Legislative Committee

Legitimate purpose defence see Child pornography

Lemay, Marc (BQ--Abitibi--Témiscamingue)

Lemieux, Jean see Prix littéraire Association France-Québec/Philippe-Rossillon

Lemire, Jean

Lemiski, Janis see Murder

Léonard committee see Government expenditures--Bloc Québécois

L'Épiphanie, QC


Les Escoumins, QC see Ports/harbours

Les Jardins Inn

Les Professeurs Pour La Liberté

Lesbians see Gays and lesbians

Lessard, François-J.

Lessard, Yves (BQ--Chambly--Borduas)

Lessons Learned see Air India--Flight 182, Independent review

Lethbridge Community College see Lethbridge constituency

Lethbridge constituency

Lévesque, René

Lévesque, Yvon (BQ--Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavik--Eeyou)

Lévis QC

Lévis-Lauzon CEGEP

Leukemia see Simard, Olivier

Lewis, Stephen see Foreign aid Gross Domestic Product (GDP) percentage target

Liberal government (Chrétien)

Liberal government (Martin)

Liberal government (Trudeau)

Liberal governments

Liberal Party

Liberal Party women's caucus

Liberalism see Marriage--Same-sex couples


"Libranos" see Discrimination and racism--Volpe

Libraries, public see Thunder Bay Public Library

Library and Archives Canada

Library of Parliament

Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee


Lieutenant Governors see Legislation--Disallowance and reservation owers

"Life or Metg" see Methamphetamine (crystal meth)--Meadowridge Rotary Club

Lifestyle see Health--Illness

Light Armoured Vehicles (LAV III) see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role, Equipment

Light pollution see Night lighting

Light rail see Rail transportation/railways

Light source synchrotrons see Canadian Light Source (CLS) Inc.


Lill, Wendy

Lin, Mingli see China

Lincoln, Clifford

Link Up Employment Services for Persons with Disabilities see Disabled and handicapped persons

Lindsey's law see DNA identification/evidence--Missing persons database

Liquified natural gas terminal see Marine transportation--Oil tankers

Lirette, Carole see Violence against women--Maison Unies-Vers-Femmes, Gatineau, QC vigil


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