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Marketing see Food safety; Supply management

Marketing magazine see Tim Hortons

Markam secondary school business plan competition

Markham Street Films see Film production

Marleau, Hon. Diane (Lib.--Sudbury)

MARPOL see International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

Marr, Tony see Child pornography


Marriage Act (Bill C-213)--Chatters

Marriage commissioners see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Marriage counselling see Divorce

Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act see Divorce Act, Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act and Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-300)

Marshall, David see National Defence Department

Martel, Jean-Jacques

Martial arts

Martin, Hon. Keith (Lib.--Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca)

Martin, Pat (NDP--Winnipeg Centre)

Martin, Right Hon. Paul (Lib.--LaSalle--Émard; Prime Minister)

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