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Martin, Tony (NDP--Sault Ste. Marie)

Marzolini, Michael see Government contracts--Verbal constract

Masse, Brian (NDP--Windsor West)

Massé, Jocelyn see Colombia

Massicotte, Hon. Senator Paul J. (Lib.--De Lanaudière)

MASIS see Materiel Acquisition and Support Information System (MASIS)

Matagami, QC see Bell-Allard mine

Matapédia, QC see Rail transortation/railways--Quebec

Matane, QC see Desrosiers, David

Materiel Acquisition and Support Information System (MASIS) see Canadian Forces

Maternity and Parental Benefits Under Employment Insurance: The Exclusion of Self-Employed Workers Interim Report see Status of Women Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth

Mathieu, Cynthia

Mathieu Da Costa Challenge see Black History Month--Black Canadians

Matrimonial property rights see First Nations/Indians; Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement

Matthews, Bill (Lib.--Random--Burin--St. George's)

Matthews, Cpl Danny see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role, Star of Courage

Maurice, Normand

Mayerthorpe, AB see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Mayhew, Ronald see Canadian Forces--JTF2, Dwyer Hill Training Centre

McAlpine, Kevin see Durhan Regional Police Service--Chief

McArdle, André see Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat

McBride, John see Canadian Commercial Corporation

McCaig, John Robert

McCain, Harrison

McCallum, Hon. John (Lib.--Markham--Unionville; Minister of National Revenue)

McCarry, Dr. Brian see Dr. Victor Cecilioni Award for Environmentalist of the Year

McCrae, Maj John

McDonough, Alexa (NDP--Halifax)

McDonald's restaurants see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

McDougall Centre see World War II

McGinnis, Charls Martin see Firefighters, Deaths in line of duty, Saskatchewan firefighters

McGuinty, Dalton see Ontario

McGuinty, David (Lib.--Ottawa South)

McGuire, Hon. Joe (Lib.--Egmont; Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)

McKay, Hon. John (Lib.--Scarborough--Guildwood)

McKenna, Frank see United States--Canadian Ambassador

McKiney, Louise Crummy see "Famous Five" (Emily Murphy, Nellie Letitia McClung, Irene Marryat Parlby, Louise Crummy McKiney and Henrietta Muir Edwards)

McLaren Housing Society see HIV/AIDS--Housing needs

McLellan, Hon. Anne (Lib.--Edmonton Centre; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

McLuhan International Festival of the Future

McLung, Nellie Letitia see "Famous Five" (Emily Murphy, Nellie Letitia McClung, Irene Marryat Parlby, Louise Crummy McKiney and Henrietta Muir Edwards)

McMaster University see Health sciences research--Institute of Molecular Medicine and Health; Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Sri Lanka

McNeil, Theresa

McTeague, Hon. Dan (Lib.--Pickering--Scarborough East)

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