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North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

North American security perimeter see Border, Canadaian--Canada-United States co-operation

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

North Bay ON see Filion, Jean-Marc; Heritage North Bay; That Beautiful Somewhere

North Central Family Centre, Regina SK

North Dakota see Water pollution--Inter-basin transfer

North Delta cobnstituency see War memorials

North Fraser Perimeter Road see Highways and roads--British Columbia

North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)

North Shore Rescue

North Sydney, NS see Keata Pharma Inc.

North Vancvouver constituency

Northern Canada

"Northern Cod: A Failure of Canadian Fisheries Management" see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth

Northern Ontario see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Government measures, Assistance programs; Regional and rural development

Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Northern residents deduction see Income tax

Northern Strategy

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization see Fisheries--Atlantic

Northwest Territories

Norway House Cree Nation see Helen Betty Osborne Ininew Education Resource Centre

Norwood Agricultural Fair

Not fit to stand trial see Criminals/offenders--Mental disorder

Not-for-profit corporations see Voluntary organizations

Not-for-profit organizations (government foundations)

Not-for-profit organizations (non-governmental federally incorporated)

Notice Paper see Budget 2005--Legislation

Notre-Dame-de-Grâce see Housing--Affordable housing, Quebec

Notre-Dame-de-la-Présentation Church, Shawinigan QC

Notwithstanding clause see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Nova Scotia

November 1984 Pogroms of Sikhs in India see India

Nuclear Amendment Act, 2004 (Bill C-212)--Chatters

Nuclear energy

Nuclear Energy Act (amdt.--change of responsible minister)(Bill C-338)--Chatters

Nuclear energy industry

Nuclear physics see Tom. W. Bonner Prize

Nuclear reactors

Nuclear war see Diefenbunker

Nuclear Waste Management Organization

Nuclear weapons

Numerical dates see Evidence (legal proceedings)--Documents

Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement


Nunavut Sivuniksavut

Nunavut Youth Abroad



Nursing see National Nursing Week

Nursing women see Occupational health and safety--Pregnant or nursing women

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