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PAA see Program Activity Architecture (PAA)

Pacetti, Massimo (Lib.--Saint-Léonard--Saint-Michel)

Pacific Environmental Centre

Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, Jean)

Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)

Pacific Pilotage Authority

Pacific Region see fisheries

Pacifism see Quebec

Packaging and labelling see Alcoholic beverages; Bread--Yeast-free; Dairy products--Supply management system, Import controls; Genetically modified organisms (GMOs); Spirit drinks; Sugar; Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

Paiement, Jean-Philippe see Golf--Quebec junior champions



Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) see Arafat, Yasser

Palestinian National Authority (PNA)

Palliative care

Pallister, Brian (CPC--Portage--Lisgar)

Pan American Games

Pan American Health Organization

Pan-Canadian Public Health Network

Pandemic see Avian flu; Public health

Paniyuk-Dean, Ashley see Miss World Canada pageant

Papiers Stadacona Ltée

Paquette, Pierre (BQ--Joliette)

Paquin, Father Carmel

Paradis, Hon. Denis (Lib.--Brome--Missisquoi)

Paraguay see Volunteers--Collingwood Church of God

Paralympians see Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)

Paramedics see Public safety occupation--Pensions

Parc Downsview Park Inc.

Paré, Richard (Parliamentary Librarian)

Paré, Yvon

Parent, QC see Airports

Parental leave

Parents see Immigration/immigrants--Family class; Sexual assault/abuse/exploitation--Convicted offenders; Youth Criminal Justic Act--Enforcement; Youth justice system--Parental responsibility--Probation

Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Pargeter, Louise

Parkhill Blades N'Sync Precision Skating Team see Skating

Parkinson's disease

Parks, Rosa

Parks Canada Agency

Parkville Fellowship Baptist Church, Parkville, BC see Bethlehem Walk

Parlby Irene Marryat see "Famous Five" (Emily Murphy, Nellie Letitia McClung, Irene Marryat Parlby, Louise Crummy McKiney and Henrietta Muir Edwards)


Parliament Buildings

Parliament Hill precinct

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--change of political affiliation)(Bill C-408)--Preston

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--members who cross the floor)(Bill C-251)--Stoffer

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill C-335)--Preston

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-443)--Hearn

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Valeri)

Parliamentary Border Caucus see Border, Canadian

Parliamentary budget office see Budget surplus

Parliamentary interns

Parliamentary matching program see Members of Parliament

Parliamentary Press Gallery see Government department, boards, agencies and commissions--Employment

Parliamentary reform see Democratic reform

Parliamentary secretaries see Committees, Parliamentary--Membership


Parole officers see Murder--First degree murder

Parrainage civique des Bois-francs

Parrish, Carolyn (Lib.--Mississauga--Erindale; Ind.--Mississauga--Erindale, effective Nov. 22, 2004)

Parti Québécois see Boisclair, André; Landry, Bernard

Partnership for prosperity and security see Trade with United States


Passports see Canadian passports


Patent Act

Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-29)--Minister of Industry (Emerson)

Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-274)--Masse

Patented Medicine Prices Review Board


Patriot Act see United States

Patro de Jonquière

Patro de Lévis

Patronage see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Canadian Wheat Board--Directors; Government appointments; Immigration and Refugge Board (IRB)--Appointments; National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy--Murray, Glen; Public safety and emergency preparedness--Advisory committee

Patry, Bernard (Lib.--Pierrefonds--Dollard)

Patterson, Tom

Pay equity

Pay Equity Network see Pay equity--Legislation

Payday lenders/loans see Banks and financial institutions--Consumer Measures Committee of Industry DEpartment documents--Low income Canadians

Payments in Lieu of Taxes Dispute Advisory Panel

Payroll taxes

PCBs see Contaminated sites--Peawanuck First Nation

PBDEs see Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)

Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts


Peace Arch Community Services

Peace Country Tender Beef Co-op

Peace of the Braves see Cree of Northern Quebec

Peace officers see Border, Canadian--Border/customs officers; Law enforcement officers

Peace prize see Nobel peace prize

Peace Research Institute

Peace River constituency see Penson--References

Peace Tower see Canadian Forces--Peacekeeping role, Deaths

Peacekeeping see Canadian Forces; Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal; Pearson Peacekeeping Centre

Peacocks see Avian flu (Asian bird flu)--Euthanasia

Pearson, Lester B.

Pearson International Airport see Toronto Pearson International Airport

Pearson Peace Medal

Pearson Peacekeeping Centre

Peawanuk First Nation see Contaminated sites

Pecelj, Sanja see Refugees--Deportation

Pedophiles see Age of consent (sexual relations)--Raising; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Peel Regional Police

Peers, Danielle see Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games--Paralympians

Peggy's Cove see Aircraft accidents--Swissair Flight 111; Lighthouses

Peguis First Nation

Pelletier, Benoit see Quebec

Pelletier, Jean see VIA Rail Canada Inc.

Pen Canada

Penis Dementia see Film production--Markham Street Films


Penitentiary inmates

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