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Port Mann/Highway 1 Project see Highways and roads--British Columbia

Port Moody, BC see Tinga, Linda

Port Union, NL

Portage La Prairie, MB see Canadian Forces--Flight training

Porter, Kalan see Canadian Idol


Ports police see Marine transportation security (ports, etc.)

Portugal see World War II--Jewish refugees

Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders see Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders

Post offices/postal outlets

Post-Secondary Education Savings Assistance Act see Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5)

Post-Secondary Students see Students, Post-Secondary

Post-traumatic stress syndrome see Bosnia and Herzegovena--Canadian Forces role

Postage stamps

Postal Codes

Potato farming see New Brunswick Potato Museum and Learning Centre

Poudrier, Cassandra see Hockey--Quebec junior players

Poultry industry


POWA see Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA)

Powell, Colin see United States

Power Corporation of Canada see China--Canadian aid; Government buildings--Ottawa

Power, Ralph see DNA identification/evidence--National DNA databank, Murderers

Power plants see SE2 (Sumas Energy 2, Inc.)

Powers, Russ (Lib.--Ancaster--Dundas--Flamborough--Westdale)

Practioner see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Internet

Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA)

Pratt and Whitney see Corporations--Governments grants

Pre-budget consultations see Budget 2005; Budget process

Pre-emptive attack doctrine see United States--Defence policy

Pregnant or nursing women see Occupational health and safety

Pregnancy see Alcoholic beverages; Employment insurance--Benefits; Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

Prémont, Marie-Hélène see Cycling

Prentice, Jim (CPC--Calgary Centre-North)

Prescription drugs see Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Presidential Unit Citation (United States) see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role, JTF2

Presiding Officer see Speaker of the House of Commons--Election

Preston, Joe(CPC--Elgin--Middlesex--London)

Preventative withdrawal see Occupational health and safety--Pregnant or nursing women

Prévost Buses

PricewaterhouseCoopers see Liberal Party--Donations, Receipted

Pride Week

Prime Minister

Prime Minister's award for Teaching Excellence see Bastarache, Monique

Prime Minister's Office

Prime Ministers, former

Prince Albert, SK

Prince Edward--Hastings constituency

Prince Edward Island

Prince George, BC see Airports; Highways and roads--British Columbia

Prince Rupert, BC see Ports/harburs; Ridley Terminals Inc.

Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry see Canadian Forces

"Prison planes" see Airports--United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) "prison planes" landing at Canadian airports

Prisoners of war see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role; Katyn Forest massacre; World War II

Prisons and Reformatories Act see Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Prisons and Reformatories Act (amdt.--conditional release)(Bill C-399)

Privacy see Banks and financial institutions--Governance, Electronic communications/documents; Border, Canadian--Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Census--Lockheed Martin contract; Communications Security Establishment--Powers; Credit cards; DNA identification/evidence--National DNA databank; Government computers--Information; Immigration/immigrants; Infectious disease; Members of Parliament--Telephone communications; Remote sensing satellites--Regulation; Telemarketing--Do-not-call registry; United States--Patriot Act

Privacy Act see Immigration/immigrants--Sgro election campaign workers, Balaican, Alina

Privacy Commissioner

Private clinics see Health care--Private for profict delivery

Private enterprise see Developing countries

Private family trusts

Private medical insurance see Health care

Private Members' Bills

Private Members' Business

Private Members' Motions

Private property see Property rights

Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program see Refugees

Privatization see Air Canada; Government--Information technology; Grain transportation; Marine Atlantic Inc.; Ontario--Progressive Conservative government (Harris/Eaves); Petro-Canada--Establishment; Ridley Terminals Inc.--Prince Rupert, BC port; VIA Rail Canada Inc.


Privilege, prima facie

Privy Council Office

Prix littéraire Association France-Québec/Philippe-Rossillon

Probation see Parole--Breach of parole or probation; Youth justice system

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