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Senate National Security and Defence Standing Committee see Border, Canadian; National security

Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs see Marijuana--Decriminalization


Senior citizens

Senior's week

Sentences (convicted criminals)

Sentier Péninsule

Separatism see Quebec separation/sovereignty

Sergeant-at-Arms see Clouthier, MGen Maurice Gaston

Seright, Samuel Ian

Service Canada

Service organizations see Rotary Clubs International

Set net fishing see Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific, Fraser River

Settlement and Immigration Services Organization of Hamilton

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

Sewage see Oceans

Sewer project see Rouge River watershed

Sex see Hate propaganda/speech

Sex offender registry

Sex tourism

Sex trade

Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Sexual orientation see Hate propaganda/speech

Sexual relations

Sgro, Hon. Judy (Lib.--York West; Minister of Citizenship and Immigration until January 14, 2005)

Shaar Shalom Synagogue

Shannon, QC see Canadian Forces--CFB Valcartier

Shapiro, Bernard see Ethics Commissioner

Shareholders see Banks and financial institutions

Sharpe, John Robin see Child pornography; Courts--Testimony of witnesses, Accused self-representation

Sharpe, Lawrence David see Dangerous ffenders

Shatskoff, André see Volunteers

Shaver, Donald McQueen see Canada Deposit Investment Corporation

Shawinigan, QC see CHLSD Vigie les Chutes

Shediac, NB see Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)--Inspectors

Shediac Bay Cruises see Enterprise South East

Shediac--Cap Pelé constituency see Boudreau, Victor

Sheila Anne see Marine transoportation security (ports, etc.)--Smuggling

Shell cases see Canadian Forces--Military equipment

Shell Canada see Fort McKay First Nation--Oil sands development

Shelstad, Jimmy see Impaired driving

Shelters see Family violence; Housing--Emergency shelters

Shermag Inc.

Sherwin, Shawn Robert see Sentences (convicted criminals)--Inadequate

Shields, Jack

Shier, Paul see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Memorial soapstone carving

Shilo, MB see Canadian Forces--Chemical weapons/agents, Testing--Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry

Shipbuilding industry

Shippagan, NB see Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)--Inspectors

Ships see Canada Steamship Lines (CSL); Canadian Forces; Fishing vessels; Marine transportation security (potrs, etc.)--Container ships factor; Migratory birds; Oceans; Water pollution

Shoplifters see New Democratic Party--Members of Parliament

Shot-put see International Police & Fire Games, 2004, Nevada

Shrimp industry

Sierra Leone

Sikh Canadians

Sikh community



Sikorsky H-92 helicopter see Canadian Forces--Helicopters

Siksay, Bill (NDP--Burnaby--Douglas)

Siksika First Nation see Oil and gas revenues--First Nations, White Bear First Nation

Silva, Mario (Lib.--Davenport)

Simard, Christian (BQ--Beauport--Limoilou)

Simard, Hon. Raymond (Lib.--Saint Boniface)

Simard, Olivier

Simcoe--Grey constituency

Simcoe--Town of the Blue Mountains constituency see Simcoe--Grey constituency

Simms, Scott (Lib.--Bonavista--Gander--Grand Falls--Windsor)

Simon Fraser Students Society see Education, post-secondary--Accessibility/affordability

Simple Plan see Desrosiers, David

Sims Task Force see Canada Labour Code--Part I

Singh, Harjit see Immigration/immigrants--Sgro

Single income families see Family

Sir William Alexander see Louisiana and Mississippi, United States--Hurricane Katrina

SIRC see Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC)

Sirois, Yolande

Sisters in Spirit Campaign see Violence against women--Aboriginal women

Sivaram, Dharmeratnam see Sri Lanka


Skeena--Bulkley Valley constituency see First Nations/Indians

Skelton, Carol (CPC--Saskatoon--Rosetown--Biggar)

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