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Ski Bromont

Ski resorts see Mont Tremblant ski resort; Ski Bromont


Skilled trades and technology workforce

Skyline Complex see Government buildings--Ottawa

Skytrax see Air Canada--Best airline in North America

Slaughterhouses (abattoirs)


"Slaves during elections" see Ethnic communities--Non-white Canadians

Sled dogs see Inuit sled dogs

SM5 see Supply Management Five (SM5)

Small and medium business

Small Business Week


SMART see Surrey Methamphetamine Regional Task Force (SMART)

Smart border action plan see Border, Canadian--Canada-United States co-operation

Smart regulations see Regulations

Small craft harbours see Ports/harbours

Smith, David (Lib.--Pontiac)

Smith, Ernest "Smoky" see Victoria Cross

Smith, Joy (CPC--Kildonan--St. Paul)

Smithers, Fred

Smog see Air pollution

Smoke alarms see Fire Prevention Week


Smoky Lake, AB see Great White North Pumpkin Fair

Smuggling see Drug smuggling; Firearms; Immigration/immigrants--Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA); Kanesatake First Nation; Marine transportation security (ports, etc.); Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne--Criminal activity; Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)

Snakeheads see Immigration/immigrants--China

Snow crabs see Fisheries--Crab fishery, Nova Scotia

Snowbirds aerobatic team see Canadian Forces

Soap see Oliver Soapery

Soapstone see see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Memorial soapstone carving

SOAs see Special Oerating Agencies (SOAs)

Sobey, Donald R. see National Gallery of Canada


Social charter

Social condition

Social development

Social Development Department

Social Development Partnership Program

Social development fund of the Americas

Social economy

Social housing see Housing

Social network agreements

Social policy

Social programs

Social security payments (United States)

Social workers

Socialism see Liberal Party; New Democratic Party

Société Alzheimer de Lanaudière see Alzheimer's disease

Société d'histoire et de généalogie de Salaberry see Lalanne, Dr. Ile

Société franco-ontarienne d`histoire et de généalogie see Ottawa, ON

Société des fabricants régionaux du Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean

Société du port ferroviaire de Baie-Comeau--Hauterive

Sockeye salmon see Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific

Softwood Industry and Community Economic Adjustment Initiative

Softwood lumber industry

Soil Conservation Council of Canada see Ménard, Odette

Soil Conservation Week

Soirée des Masques see Theatre--Quebec

Solar energy see Alternative/renewable/green energy--Centre Dufferin District High School

Solar vehicle

Solberg, Monte (CPC--Medicine Hat)

Solicitation Laws Subcommittee

Solicitor General's Department see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Transfer; Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department


Somme, Battle of the see World War I--Battle of the Somme

Son Phu see Marijuana--Grow operations, Sentences

Sonoski, Captain Colin see Canadian Forces--Helicopters, Griffon CH-146

Soppit, Lou

Sorel-Tracy, QC see Mines/mining industry--Atlas Stainless Steels smelter

Sorenson, Kevin (CPC--Crowfoot)

Soucie, Anne C. see Atlantic Pilotage Authority

Sound and Light Show see Parliament Buildings

Souris--Moose Mountain constituency

South Africa

South Asia see Asia

South Bound Trooper see Canadian Forces--Reserves

South Fraser Perimeter Road see Highways and roads--British Columbia

South Frontenac Township, ON see Highways and roads--Ontario

South Glengarry, ON see Year of the Veteran

South Korea see Trade

Southern Ontario greenbelt see Golden Horseshoe Greenbelt

Sovereignty see Arctic; Quebec separation/sovereignty

Soviet Union


Space program

Spanish Civil War see Meyers, Nickolaus

Spanking see Children--Corporal punishment

Speaker of the House of Commons

Special debates

Special hire employees see Canada Post Corporation

Special Olympics

Special Oerating Agencies (SOAs) see Canadian Coast Guard

Species at risk

Spector, Norman see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Patronage

Speech and hearing disorders

Speed skating

Spelling Bee see Hackett, Finola

Spending power see Federal spending power

Spike TV

Spina bifida

Spirit drinks

Spirit Drinks Trade Act (Bill S-38)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food (Mitchell)

Sponsored travel see Members of Parliament

Sponsorship program

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