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Thompson, Myron (CPC--Wild Rose)

Thompson, Ruby see Robbery

Thomson, Hugh see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

Thomson, Shirley L. see Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board

Thorkelson, Ruth

Thornhill, ON see Gallanough Resource Centre; Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments; Holy Trinity Anglican Church

Threats see Family violence

Throne Speech

Thunder Bay, ON see Canadian Coast Guard--Search and rescue role; Italian Society, Principe di Piedmonte; Martial arts; Television stations--CKPR

Thunder Bay--Rainy River constituency

Thunder Bay Bombers see Hockey

Thunder Bay Border Cats see Baseball

Thunder Bay Law Association

Thunder Bay Police Youth Corps

Thunder Bay Public Library

Thundersky, Raven see Housing--Insulation

Thymus cancer see Brideau, Paul

Tiananmen Square see China--Human rights violations


Tibetan New Year (Losar)

Tibetan Youth Day

Tidal and wave energy projects

Tied aid see Foreign aid

Tilson, David (CPC--Dufferin--Caledon)

Tim Hortons

Tin, Queenie see Chan--References, Trade mission to China

Tinga, Linda

Tinsley, Peter A. see Military Police Complaints Commission

TISP see Transitional Industry Support Program (TISP)

Tlicho First Nation

Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Scott)

Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement


Tobacco farmers

Tobacco industry

"Tobacco issues related to compliance with the Tobacco Act, cigarette smuggling and combating tobacco use" see Health Standing Committee--Reports, Twelfth

Tobogganing see Bravery--Wood, Peter

Toews, Mariam see Governor General's Literary Awards

Toews, Vic (CPC--Provencher)

Toft, Karl see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation


Tolérance zéro see Impaired driving

Tom W. Bonner Prize

"Tomorrow Starts Today" program see Arts/culture/heritage

Tonks, Alan (Lib.--York South--Weston)


Top Aces Consulting Inc. see Canadian Forces--Flight training

Topham, Cpl Fred see Victoria Cross

Toque Tuesday see Homelessness-Combatting

Torngat Mountains National Park

Torokvei, Thomas

Toronto, ON

Toronto Board of Health see Cocaine--Crack cocaine

Toronto--Danforth constituency

Toronto French Book Fair

Toronto Island Airports see Toronto, ON--Waterfront development

Toronto Pearson International Airport

Toronto Police Service

Toronto Port Authority see see Toronto, ON--Waterfront development

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) see Public transit

Torsney, Paddy (Lib.--Burlington)


"Tory Tornados" see Members of Parliament--Hockey tournament

Totem Hill Inc. see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department--Constitutional, legal and treaty obligations

Tour du Grand Montreal see Cycling

Tourism industry

Tourny, France see Maison Simons (La)

Towner, Ian see Tom W. Bonner Prize

Toxic/hazardous substances see Canadian Forces--Submarines, Peridite; Fisheries--Resources; United States space program--NASA booster rocket

Toxic/hazardous waste

Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) Inc.

Tracadie firing range see Canadian Forces--Chemical weapons/agents, Agents Orange and Purple

Tractors see Agriculture


Trade agreements

Trade barriers see Developing countries

Trade Compensation Act (Bill C-364)--Jean

Trade with United States

Trade zones see International trade zones

Trademarks see Spirit drinks

Trades see Training

Traffic accidents

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