Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Minister's Statement

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January 31, 2005

This statement is intended to confirm that there are indeed laws in place prohibiting the hunting and sale, trade or barter of blueback seals.

Following a decision of the federal government in 1987, conditions of licence were used to prohibit the sale, trade or barter of blueback seals. This prohibition was turned into a regulation in 1993 in section 27 of the Marine Mammal Regulations. While the regulations do not prohibit the killing of blueback seals, this practice is prohibited in commercial and personal use seal fisheries through conditions of licence. This prohibition has been in place since 2000 in the Newfoundland and Labrador region and is clearly spelled out in sealers’ licences. Breaches of a licence condition are enforced in the same manner as violations of fisheries regulations.

DFO remains committed to strictly enforcing existing regulations and licence conditions prohibiting the hunting and sale, barter or trade of blueback seals.

DFO will continue to work to ensure sealers are knowledgeable of the regulations pertaining to the seal hunt.

Fishery officers will closely monitor the seal harvest to ensure sealers comply with their licence conditions as well as the Marine Mammal Regulations.

FOr more Information:

Jan Woodford
Director of Communications
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Newfoundland and Labrador Region
(709) 772-7623



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    Last updated : 2005-02-01

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