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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

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Mergers Branch reviews merger transactions to assess whether a proposed merger is likely to prevent or substantially lessen competition.

Civil Matters Branch reviews anti-competitive behaviour, such as abuse of dominant position, and restraints imposed by suppliers on customers, such as refusal to supply, exclusive dealing and tied selling. The Branch is also responsible for the Bureau's interventions before federal and provincial regulatory boards and tribunals.

Criminal Matters Branch administers and enforces criminal provisions of the Competition Act, including those covering conspiracies that unduly lessen competition, bid-rigging, price discrimination, predatory pricing and price maintenance. The Branch carries out its enforcement activities through offices across the country.

Fair Business Practices Branch administers and enforces the provisions of the Competition Act that cover false or misleading representations and deceptive marketing practices. Among these are provisions that deal with deceptive telemarketing, multi-level marketing and pyramid selling, as well as misrepresentations, such as general misleading statements, misleading ordinary price claims and promotional contests in which organizers inadequately disclose contest rules. The Branch also administers and enforces the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, the Precious Metals Marking Act and the Textile Labelling Act, collectively known as the standards-based statutes. The Branch carries out its investigations through enforcement activities through offices across the country.

Competition Policy Branch encompasses the International Affairs, Economic Policy and Enforcement, and Legislative Affairs divisions. The Branch advances the Bureau's interests in international co-operation, negotiations and policy development. It provides economic advice and expertise as well as enforcement support to the Bureau, and it ensures that the laws under its jurisdiction remain relevant.

Compliance and Operations Branch oversees the Bureau's compliance program, enforcement policy, training program and client services. It also manages the Bureau's Information Centre, planning, resource management, administration and informatics activities.

Communications Branch ensures that Canadian consumers, businesses, government agencies, and the international community are aware of the Bureau's crucial contribution to competition in the marketplace and to the growth of the Canadian economy. The Branch manages the Bureau's Web site, stakeholder and media relations, and internal communications.

Organization chart

Sheridan Scott

Sheridan Scott
Commissioner of Competition
Gaston Jorré
Gaston Jorré
Senior Deputy Commissioner of Competition Mergers
Richard Taylor
Richard Taylor
Deputy Commissioner of Competition Civil Matters
Sally Southey

Sally Southey
Assistant Commissioner of Competition Communications

Peter Sagar
Peter Sagar
Deputy Commissioner of Competition Competition Policy
Joanne Bernard
Johanne Bernard
Acting Deputy Commissioner of Competition Compliance & Operations
Raymond Pierce
Raymond Pierce
Deputy Commissioner of Competition Fair Business Practices

John Pecman
Senior Deputy Commissioner of Competition Criminal Matters

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