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Management Response

The Labour Market Directorate of Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) has reviewed the Evaluation of the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities (Phase I). Overall, management is pleased with the positive findings contained in the report. As pointed out in the report, the majority (87%) of respondents was satisfied with the program, especially in the areas of amount of funding to the organizations, wage subsidies to the companies, HRDC's application process, reporting requirements and general support.

It is important to recognize that the Opportunities Fund is not just a program but a process. As a result of the Scott Task Force, there is a strong involvement of persons with disabilities and organizations representing persons with disabilities in providing leadership in the implementation of this program at the national level. This offers an innovative way of bringing sensitivity to a program established to meet the employment needs of persons with disabilities by involving them in the design and implementation. This is a key feature in the success of labour market interventions for persons with disabilities.

Few changes in design and delivery are recommended. Steps are already being undertaken to address the few weaknesses identified, especially in the area of program monitoring and data collection as well as marketing and sharing of innovative initiatives.

As stated, it is too early to assess the impacts of Opportunities Fund on the skills acquisition, labour market outcomes and quality of life of the participants at this time. Labour Market Directorate fully endorses the evaluation's conclusions and looks forward to Phase II of the evaluation process.

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