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Appendix A

Evaluation Questions


1. Does (the implementation of) the Opportunities Fund (OF) reflect the basic principles underpinning the program?


2. Did the implementation of the OF reflect the plans set out in the regional and national implementation strategies?

3. Were the early guidelines for the development of implementation strategies preserved?

4. Did the program design and implementation provide progress monitoring and clientele support after the completion of the intervention?

5. Is the proper information being collected to enable the summative evaluation?

Impacts and Effects

6. Did the OF assist individuals in improving their labour market skills?

7. Did the OF assist individuals in obtaining employment or reemployment?

8. Did the OF assist individuals in improving their earnings?

9. How effective is the OF client action plan?

10. To what extent did OF assist individuals in reducing their dependence on income transfers?

11. To what extent has the participation in OF impacted on the quality of participants' lives?


12. Did the program succeed in leveraging funds from other program sources?

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