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Selected Bibliography

Abella, Judge Rosalie S. Equality in Employment: A Royal Commission Report. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1984.

Advisory Committee on the Changing workforce and Human Resources Development Canada. Collective Reflection on the Changing Workplace. Report of the Advisory Committee on the Changing workforce. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, June 1997.

Armstrong, Pat. Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value. Paper prepared for the Human Rights Commission. Ottawa: Carleton University, January 1998.

----------. "The Feminization of the Labour Force: Harmonizing Down in a Global Economy." In Rethinking Restructuring: Gender and Change in Canada,29-54. Isabella Bakker, ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.

Baker, Maureen. Canadian Family Policies: Cross-National Comparisons. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995.

Beller, A.H. "Occupational segregation by sex: determinants and changes." Journal of Human Resources 17 (3) (1982).

Betcherman, G. et al. Training for the New Economy: A Synthesis Report. Ottawa: CPRN, 1998.

Blau, Francine and Lawrence Kahn. "Wage Structure and Gender Earnings Differentials: An International Comparison." Economica 63 (May 1996), S29-S62.

Bush, Kim. "Flexible Work Options". It's About Time. In Context: A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture 37 (Winter 1994).

Business Development Bank of Canada. Women Entrepreneurs in Canada: Geared Toward Success, 1997. Available at mi04737e.html.

Canadian Human Rights Commission. Framework for Compliance Audits Under the Employment Equity Act: Audit Process, Assessment Factors and Survey Questionnaire. Ottawa: CHRC - Employment Equity Branch, January 2000.

Canadian Labour Force Development Board. Resource Package on Changes in Labour Market Programming. Prepared for Fourth Annual Labour Market Partners' Forum. Toronto: 1996.

Crompton, Susan and Leslie Geran. "Women as main wage-earners." Perspectives on Labour and Income 4 (Winter 1995).

Dagg, Alexandra. "Worker Representation and Protection in the 'New Economy'" in Collective Reflection on the Changing Workplace . Report of the Advisory Committee on the Changing Workplace. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, June 1997.

Doherty, Gillian, Martha Friendly and Mab Oloman. Women's Support, Women's Work: Child Care in an Era of Deficit Reduction, Devolution, Downsizing and Deregulation. Ottawa: Research Directorate, Status of Women Canada, 1998.

Economic Council of Canada. Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: Employment in the Service Economy. Ottawa: ECC, 1991

European Commission. Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the European Union. Annual Report 1996. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997.

Fabowale, Lola et al. "Gender and Banking with the Small Business Client." Canadian Woman Studies 15 (1) (Winter 1994).

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Joint Working Group of Status of Women and Labour Market Officials on Education and Training. Meeting Women's Training Needs: Case Studies in Women's Training. Phase II Report. St. John's: Women's Policy Office, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1994.

Fudge, Judy. Labour Law's Little Sister: The Employment Standards Act and the Feminization of Labour. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 1991.

Fudge, Judy and Patricia McDermott, eds. Just Wages: A Feminist Assessment of Pay Equity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991.

Galinsky, Ellen. The Implementation of Flexible Time and Leave Policies: Observations from Employers. New York: Families and Work Institute, 1989.

Gerkovich Griffith, Paulette, Judith MacBride-King, and Bickley Townsend. Closing the Gap: Women's Advancement in Corporate and Professional Canada. Ottawa: The Conference Board of Canada, 1998.

Goldstein, Bruce, et al. "Enforcing Fair Labor Standards in the Modern American Sweatshop: Rediscovering the Statutory Definition of Employment." UCLA Law Review 26 (4) (April 1999).

Goodswaard, A. and M. de Nanteuil. Flexibility and Working Conditions: A Qualitative and Comparative Study in Seven EU Member States - A Summary. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2000.

Gornick, Janet and Jerry Jacobs. "Gender, The Welfare State, and Public Employment: A Comparative Study of Seven Industrialized Countries." American Sociological Review 63 (5) (October 1998).

Grubb, Norton. Evaluating Job Training Programs in the United States: Evidence and Explanations. Berkeley: National Training Center for Research in Vocational Education, 1995.

Gunderson, Morley. Women and the Canadian Labour Market: Transitions Toward the Future. Ottawa: Statistics Canada and Minister of Industry, 1998.

----------. Comparable Worth and Gender Discrimination: An International Perspective. Geneva: International Labour Organization, 1994.

----------. "Male/female wage differentials and policy responses." Journal of Economic Literature 27 (March 1989).

Hogg, Christine and Lisa Harker. The Family Friendly Employer: Examples from Europe. London: Daycare Trust, 1992.

Holzer, Harry and David Neumark. What Does Affirmative Action Do? Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion Paper No. 1169-98, 1998.

Human Resources Development Canada. Evaluation of the Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS). Ottawa: Evaluation and Data Development, Strategic Policy, Human Resources Development Canada, 1998.

----------. Employability Improvement Program: Final Report. Ottawa: Evaluation and Data Development, Strategic Policy, Human Resources Development Canada, 1995.

----------. Adult Education and Training in Canada. Ottawa: HRDC and Statistics Canada, 1994.

Human Resources Development Canada. Graves, Frank and Benoît Gauthier (EKOS). Evaluation of the Self-Employment Assistance Program. Ottawa: Evaluation and Data Development, Strategic Policy, Human Resources Development Canada, 1995.

Hyde, J.S. and M.J. Essex, eds. Parental Leave and Child Care: Setting a Research and Policy Agenda. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991.

International Labour Organization. Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: Women in Management. Geneva: International Labour Organization, 1997.

Johnson, Karen, Linda Duxbury and Chris Higgins. Making Work and Lifestyle Initiatives Work: Beyond Best Practices. Research report submitted to Industry Canada, 1997.

Kidd, Michael and Michael Shannon. "The Gender Wage Gap: A Comparison of Australia and Canada." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 49 (4) (July 1996).

Krahn, Harvey. "Non-standard work on the rise." Perspectives on Labour and Income 7 (4) (Winter 1995). Statistics Canada.

Leck, Joanne and David Saunders. "Canada's Employment Equity Act: Effects on employee selection." Population Research and Policy Review 11 (1992a).

----------. "Hiring Women: The Effects of Canada's Employment Equity Act." Canadian Public Policy 18 (2) (1992b).

Leck, J., Sylvie St. Onge and Isabelle Lalancette. "Wage Gap Changes Among Organizations Subject to the Employment Equity Act." Canadian Public Policy 21 (4) (1995), 387-400.

Leonard, Jonathan. "Employment and occupational advance under affirmative action." Review of Economics and Statistics (August 1984).

----------."The Impact of Affirmative Action Regulation and Equal Employment Law on Black Employment." Journal of Economic Perspectives 4 (4) (Fall 1990).

----------. "What promises are worth: the impact of affirmative action goals." Journal of Human Resources (Winter 1985).

Lim, L. Lean. More and Better Jobs for Women: An Action Guide. Geneva: International Labour Organization, 1996.

Lin, Zhengxi, Janice Yates and Garnett Picot. Rising Self-Employment in the Midst of High Unemployment: An Empirical Analysis of Recent Developments in Canada, Statistics Canada, Analytical Studies Branch - Research Paper Series, No. 133. Ottawa: March 1999.

Lum, Janet. "The Federal Employment Equity Act: Goals vs. Implementation." Canadian Public Administration 38 (1) (Spring 1995), 45-76.

MacBride-King, Judith and Nora Spinks. Family-Friendly Workplaces in Canada: Ten Years in Review. Ottawa: The Conference Board of Canada, 1998.

Marshall, Katherine. "Balancing work and family responsibilities." Perspectives on Labour and Income 6 (1) (Spring 1994). Statistics Canada.

Martin, John. What Works Among Active Labour Market Policies: Evidence from OECD Countries' Experience. Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers no. 35. Paris: OECD, 1998.

National Women's Reference Group on Labour Market Issues. Voices from the Field: Impacts of the Changing Federal Funding Context on Women's Access to Training. November 1998.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Women and Structural Change: New Perspectives. Paris: OECD, 1994.

Redway, Hon. Alan, Chairman. A Matter of Fairness: Report of the Special Committee on the Review of the Employment Equity Act. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1992.

Rubery, Jill and Colette Fagan. Wage Determination and Sex Segregation in Employment in the European Community. Network of Experts on the Situation of Women in the Labour Market, European Commission. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994.

Ruhm, Christopher. "The Economic Consequences of Parental Leave Mandates: Lessons from Europe." Quarterly Journal of Economics (February 1998), 285-317.

Ruhm, Christopher and Jacqueline Teague. Parental Leave Policies in Europe and North America. Paper prepared for ILR-Cornell Institute for Labor Market Policies Conference, Gender and Family Issues in the Workplace. Ithaca: April 1995.

Schwartz, Debra. An Examination of the Impact of Family-Friendly Policies on the Glass Ceiling. New York: Families and Work Institute, 1994.

Scott, Katherine. Women and Welfare State Restructuring: Inventory of Canadian Income Security and Employment Related Initiatives. Toronto: Centre for Research on Work and Society, York University, 1995.

Spalter-Roth, Roberta and Heidi Hartmann. Unnecessary Losses: Costs to Americans of the Lack of Family and Medical Leave. Washington: Institute for Women's Policy Research, 1990.

Standing, Guy. "Global Feminization through Flexible Labor." World Development 17 (7) (1989).

Statistics Canada. Women in Canada: A Statistical Report. Ottawa: Minister of Industry, 1995.

Statistics Canada. Women in Canada. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2000.

Statistics Canada. Workplace and Employee Survey - Compendium (1999 Data). Ottawa: Statistics Canada, June 2001.

TRICAN Consulting Group. Evaluation of the Severely Employment Disadvantaged Option of the Job Entry Program. Human Resources Development Canada, 1993.

Vosko, Leah. "Legitimizing the Triangular Employment Relationship: Emerging International Labour Standards from a Comparative Perspective." Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 19 (1) (Fall 1997).

Waldfogel, J. "Understanding the 'Family Gap'in Pay for Women with Children." Journal of Economic Perspectives 12 (1) (Winter 1998), 137-56.

Waldfogel, J. et al. Maternity Leave Policies and Women's Employment After Childbirth: Evidence from the United States, Britain and Japan. CASE paper no. 3. London: London School of Economics, 1998.

Whitehouse, Gillian. "Legislation and Labour Market Gender Inequality: An Analysis of OECD Countries." Work, Employment and Society 6 (1) (1992).

Woolley, Frances. "Work and Household Transactions: An Economist's View." In How Families Cope and Why Policymakers Need to Know. Ottawa: Canadian Policy Research Networks, 1998.

Yanz, Lynda et al. Policy Options to Improve Standards for Women Garment Workers in Canada and Internationally. Ottawa: Research Directorate, Status of Women Canada, 1999.

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