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Any overall assessment of the Employment Insurance (EI) system must include extensive analysis of EI benefit accessibility. For the past three years, reports have been prepared to examine the rate at which EI benefits are collected. Last year, the report took a closer look at the reasons for the non-receipt of EI. The primary intent was to examine the immediate and long-term impacts of EI reform.

The current report considers the accessibility issue from another perspective by examining the relationship between the receipt of EI and the reason for job separation. This perspective provides insight into the operational dimension of EI.

The reason for job separation is indicated on the Record of Employment (ROE) form that must be completed by the employer when an employee stops working for that employer. The reason for separation recorded on the ROE form is used to help determine who is qualified to receive EI benefits. For example, if the reason is dismissal, the individual who was dismissed will not qualify for EI unless there are some mitigating circumstances.

The first part of this report discusses the data and methodology used to conduct the analysis. The second part provides an overview of the reasons for job separation and examines EI receipt and eligibility rates for each reason. The third part provides a more detailed analysis of the six main reasons for job separation and includes a discussion of the rules surrounding each reason as well as the expected rate of receipt of EI. In cases where the receipt of EI is significantly different, further analysis attempts to explain the variation.

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