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2.0 Two Main Types of Evaluation

Although the literature includes over a hundred different kinds of evaluation (see Patton, 1982), the vast majority boil down to two types: those that aim to determine if the program has been implemented as planned, and those that measure its success in achieving its objectives (i.e., its impact). The label most often associated with the first type is "process evaluation," although it is sometimes called formative evaluation. The latter type is known as "summative evaluation," also known as impact, outcome, or effectiveness evaluation.

Process Evaluation     How is the program operating and how can it be made better?
Process evaluations are directed at three key questions: (1) the extent to which a program is reaching the appropriate target population; (2) whether or not its service delivery is consistent with program design; and (3) what resources are being expended (Rossi and Freeman, 1993).

The main objective is to provide feedback to managers on whether the program is being carried out as planned and in an efficient manner. Guidance should be provided for modifying the program to help ensure it meets its objectives. With this information, the program can be modified so it is carried out as planned, or the plan itself can be modified if it is found lacking.

Summative Evaluation     Does the program achieve its objectives? The purpose of summative evaluations is to assess the impact of the program; that is, ascertain the extent to which the program meets its objectives, and the needs of its target group. As well, it should provide advice for modifying the program so that it will better serve the needs of its clients and become more cost-effective (Stufflebeam and Shinkfield, 1985).

The remainder of this report will focus on the summative side, in particular summative evaluations with quasi-experimental designs. Before plunging into the arcane field of quasi-experimental design however, the paper sets a proper context through a discussion of the main types of summative evaluation designs.

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