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Appendix D: Survey Questionnaire and List of Responding Departments

Evaluation of the GECA Workers' Compensation Cost Recovery Program Survey Questionnaire

ARC Applied Research Consultants is conducting an evaluation of the Government Employees Compensation Act (GECA) Cost Recovery Program implemented on April 1, 1998 for Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) Labour Program and HRDC Evaluation and Data Development (EDD). The key issues for this evaluation are:

  • Policies and procedures implemented to promote health and safety;
  • Impacts on accident rates and compensation related to them;
  • Overall impact of cost recovery on departments.

Data collected through this survey will remain confidential. Data will be aggregated in order to preserve confidentiality of individual or departmental responses. Should you have any questions please contact Mira Svoboda at (613) 230-4136.

Please return all completed questionnaires by fax to ARC at (613) 232-7102.

Name of your department or agency __________________________.

1a. How many full-time equivalents (FTEs) were employed by your department or agency?

In 1998/1999 [_____] # of FTEs
In 1999/2000 [_____] # of FTEs
In 2000/2001 [_____] # of FTEs

1b. If there has been a large change in number of FTEs (increase or decrease), could you please explain why?
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

2. Was your department or agency allocated some funding from Treasury Board in relation to the Workers' Compensation cost-recovery initiative?

Yes Square 1 No Square 2 Don't Know Square 3

3. Please check occupational health and safety policies and programs in your department or agency.

  Had in place prior to April 1, 1998 Implemented after April 1, 1998 Plans to implement within the next two years
Occupational Health and Safety Committee Square 1 Square 2 Square 3
Occupational Health and Safety courses/seminars for employees Square 1 Square 2 Square 3
Ergonomic assessments Square 1 Square 2 Square 3
Claims management program  Square 1 Square 2 Square 3
Return to Work Policy  Square 1 Square 2 Square 3
Occupational health policies or programs specific to this department or agency Square 1 Square 2 Square 3
Other (please list) Square 1 Square 2 Square 3

4. Is there a particular occupational health and safety program or policy that has resulted in a decrease in the number of work-related injuries or illnesses in your department or agency since April 1, 1998?

Yes Square 1 No Square 2 Don't Know Square 3

If Yes, please describe briefly. _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

5a. After April 1, 1998, have your department or agency's costs related to Workers' Compensation claims been

IncreasingSquare 1 DecreasingSquare 2 No changeSquare 3 Don't KnowSquare 4

5b. If there has been an increase or decrease, what could have been the cause(s)? Please explain?
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

6a. Since April 1, 1998, has the number of accidents/injuries in your department or agency changed?

IncreasingSquare 1 DecreasingSquare 2 No changeSquare 3 Don't KnowSquare 4

6b. If there has been an increase or decrease, what could have been the cause(s)? Please explain.
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your comments. Please return completed questionnaires to (613) 232-7102.

Funded Departments

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
Canadian Grain Commission
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Department of National Defence
Environment Canada
Fisheries and Oceans
House of Commons
Human Resources Development Canada
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Senate of Canada
Transport Canada
Veteran's Affairs

Unfunded Departments

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Canadian Institute of Health Research
Canadian Transportation Agency
Federal Judicial Affairs
Immigration and Refugee Board
National Film Board of Canada
Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Security Intelligence Review Committee
Transportation Safety Board

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