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Appendix A - Evaluation Questions

NHI Design and Delivery

  • Does the multi-departmental NHI management model promote an effective, coordinated federal effort to address homelessness, based on common objectives and compatible approaches?
  • Does the SCPI delivery model, with community control of planning and fund allocation, provide communities with sufficient flexibility to delivery appropriate services while maintaining sufficient control and accountability for the federal government to ensure it achieves its objectives?
  • Do SCPI terms and conditions ensure that incremental activity results from funding?
  • Is the current Aboriginal Homelessness delivery model an appropriate mechanism to achieve NHI objectives related to Aboriginal homelessness?
  • Has the decision to allocate and disperse Aboriginal homelessness funding separately from other homelessness funding been of benefit in addressing Aboriginal homelessness and homelessness generally?
  • Has it been possible through this model to integrate Aboriginal and mainstream homelessness strategies at the community level to the extent that is considered desirable?
  • Do the three SCPI delivery models all enable communities to plan and allocate NHI resources in a way that addresses community needs and NHI objectives, including representativeness of the planning process?
  • Do the various models allow communities to build sustainable capacity to continue addressing homelessness once SCPI funding is no longer available?

NHI Coordination

  • Have participating federal responsibility centres, including those housed at HRDC and CMHC and PWGSC, coordinated their homelessness activities at the national and community levels so as to further NHI objectives effectively?
  • To what extent does the NHI represent a unified federal government initiative with a shared set of goals and objectives and coordinated approaches?
  • What efforts are being made to coordinate NHI activities with homelessness related program and policy areas in other federal departments and agencies at the national and local levels?
  • To what extent has the NHI succeeded in coordinating its homelessness activities at the provincial and community levels with those of provincial/territorial and municipal governments?

Program Implementation (SCPI, Aboriginal Homelessness, Youth Homelessness, Research)

  • What activities are being undertaken by the federal government at the community level to support community capacity building, partnership development, community planning, and individual projects?
  • To what extent have these activities resulted in the development of community plans and projects in keeping with NHI objectives?
  • What activities are being undertaken by the federal government at the community level to support activities directed specifically to Aboriginal homelessness?
  • To what extent have these activities resulted in Aboriginal community plans or sections of broader community plans, and projects, to address Aboriginal homelessness, in keeping with NHI objectives?
  • What activities are being undertaken by the federal government at the community level to support activities directed specifically to youth homelessness?
  • To what extent has this activity resulted in community plans and projects that address youth homelessness?
  • What activities have been undertaken to develop a national research agenda to support efforts to address homelessness?
  • To what extent has this activity resulted in a planned research agenda and research projects?

Outcomes to Date


  • To what extent has SCPI (Aboriginal and Youth Homelessness) had an incremental impact in these areas, over and above what was already in place?
    • New/enhanced local needs assessments, skills, partnerships and networks
    • Improved sharing of lessons learned and best practices
    • Increased awareness of community planning and projects within communities
    • Revised/updated community plans
    • Actual and planned investments in services and facilities for homeless people
    • Increased community knowledge and capacity to target local emerging sub-populations
    • New knowledge about homelessness and how to address the problem

NHI outcomes

  • To what extent has the NHI as a whole resulted in the following desired outcomes?
    • Increased awareness of NHI, homelessness issues
    • Better research tools and methodologies relating to homelessness
    • Increased inclusion of homelessness in government policy options
    • More coordinated response to homelessness
    • Increased local and national capacity to deal with absolute homelessness
    • Meeting of urgent needs
    • Improved decision-making around investments
    • Enhanced knowledge on homelessness; increased access to this information
    • Increased commitment and broader response to homelessness
    • Enhanced community ownership of process and solutions

Feasibility of Future Evaluation of Outcomes

  • What baseline information is currently available on the nature and extent of homelessness in Canada?
  • What types of information are still required to be able to make a meaningful assessment of progress over time in alleviating homelessness?
  • What do experts and the existing literature tell us about ways to measure community capacity, attribution of outcomes, and overall progress in addressing homelessness?

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