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Appendix D - List of Research Projects

List of Research Projects
Structural and Systemic Determinants of Homelessness
  • A report and annotated bibliography examining the structural and systemic determinants of homelessness.
Canadian Council on Social Development Completed and Approved
Counting the Homeless
  • Two reports examining the feasibility of undertaking street counts of the homeless in Canada.
Statistics Canada Completed Evaluation in progress
Indian City: The Journey Home
  • Four hours of interviews with aboriginal homeless persons and an accompanying report.
Blonde Indian Productions Completed Evaluation in progress
Shelter Costs and Income in Canada: Social and Geographic Dimensions
  • Shelter cost/income ratios as a measure of affordability.
  • A look at households that spend more than 30% and more than 50% of income on shelter and whose income fall below Statistics Canada's Low Income Cut-Off.
E. Moore & A. Skaburskis Completed and Approved
Households at Risk of Homelessness: Distributional Patterns Within Eleven Canadian Metropolitan Regions
  • Internal distribution of 'at-risk' households across different metropolitan areas.
  • Examination of all tenant households allocating 50% or more of their income to rent.
  • Examinations of one-family, lone-parent families single individual households and multi-person non-family households.
  • Evidence relating to goodness of fit between the locations of services for the homeless and the location of households at risk of homelessness.
T. Bunting & P. Fillion Completed and Approved
Fund Raising Feasibility Study and Development of a National Fund-Raising Toolkit
  • Examination of the capacity of a community based housing campaign undertaken by the Edmonton Housing Trust Fund.
  • Based on this feasibility study, development of a tool-kit with elements that will enable organisations to assess the feasibility of fund-raising strategies within their communities.
Edmonton Housing Trust Fund Completed Evaluation to be undertaken
Possible Relationship Between  Child Welfare and Foster Care Systems and Homelessness
  • Annotated bibliography of work examining link between homelessness and experience in the child welfare system.
  • Based on a sample of 3 sub groups in 4 cities (40 youth in total), identification of what policies or practices in the system may have contributed to incidences of homelessness among those exiting the child welfare system, and how the use of different practices may effectively assist in the prevention of homelessness.
Luba Serge et al. October 2002
Review and Synthesis of Street Counts in Canada
  • Review of counts/analyses of homeless populations in Canada undertaken in the last ten years.
  • Review of studies that discuss who the homeless are and the factors that have contributed to their homelessness.
Tracy Peressini October 2002
'Why Cities Matter' Conference Background Paper
  • Roundtable consultation project focusing on the theme "Why Cities Matter: Canadian City-Regions in a Global Age".
  • Production of a research report on this theme and of a roundtable discussion document designed to encourage discussion among participants (policy, NGO, academic) at the roundtable session.
Canadian Policy Research Networks (CPRN) Completed
Governance in Local Partnerships to Address Homelessness
  • Through case studies, examination of governance within complex partnerships at the local level.
  • Focus on organisations such as community based agencies, coalitions, municipal governments and philanthropic organisations that work on homelessness issues to identify tools and strategies for problem solving and decision making.
T. Carter and C. Warne (Joint project with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) November 2002
Involving Homeless and Formerly Homeless Clients in Projects and Programs
  • Examination of client involvement in the programs and services offered by agencies that address homelessness.
  • Case studies of agencies practising client involvement in 12 cities across Canada.
  • Interviews with 48 front line staff and 114 clients.
J. Ward (Joint project with CMHC) Completed Evaluation to be undertaken
Home$ave: Feasibility Study of Individual Development Accounts for Increased Access to Affordable Housing
  • Study to determine the feasibility of adapting the IDA model to encourage homeless people and households at risk of homelessness to move into secure housing in either the homeownership or rental market sectors.
Social & Enterprise Development Innovations (Joint project with CMHC) November 2002
Translation of L'errance Urbaine
  • Translation of L'errance Urbaine, a compendium of research on homelessness, poverty and social exclusion.
Le Collectif de recherche sur l'itinérance, et l'exclusion sociale (CRI) To be determined
Study of the Aboriginal Transient Population in Vancouver
  • In-depth research in several Aboriginal urban and rural communities examining the nature of Aboriginal victimisation to provide information to the government and communities.
Ray Coraddo (Joint project with Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND) Fall 2002
Governing the Homelessness Initiative
  • Case study of the municipal model in Hamilton.
  • Advice on how to evaluate the pertinence of the municipal model in other municipalities where it might be chosen as the approach for governance of local homelessness initiatives.
K. Graham & S. Phillips October 2002
Potential Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Homelessness
  • Costs of homelessness for the episodically homeless population of Toronto (focusing on the sub-populations of youth, families and new Canadians).
M. Eberle & T. Zizys December 2002
Best Practices at Work: Putting Homelessness Prevention Practices to Work Across Canada
  • Development of a comprehensive set of Internet resource materials to support and enhance the work of Canadian communities and help organizations with practical programs, ideas and tools for addressing and preventing homelessness.
  • Will include a resource database, a practical reference guide, a Web site and a communications plan relating to the homelessness issue in Canada.
Raising the Roof October 2002
Development of Homelessness Indicators for the Quality of Life Reporting System (QoLRS)
  • Development of two measures of homelessness for each of the 18 municipalities participating in the QoLRS.
  • These measures will be comparable across all of the municipalities and integrated into the next iteration of QoLRS report in March 2003.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities March 2003
Symposium on Health and Homelessness
  • A fall symposium is being proposed to identify research themes and explore avenues of collaboration between the NSH, the CIHR, researchers and community representatives.
  • In addition to fostering research collaborations, the research symposium would aim to achieve a broad consensus on research priorities around the issue of health and homelessness that would include a significant community action research component.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) November 2002
Health Disparities and Homelessness
  • Selection and funding of research projects under the theme of health disparities and the sub-theme of homelessness. Tentative timeline:
    • Request for proposals (May 15, 2002)
    • Deadline for proposals (October 2002)
    • Selection of projects (December 2002)
    • Completion of projects (to be determined)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) To be determined
Sub-standard Housing Problems Faced by Immigrants
  • Study of the extent of sub-standard housing problems among immigrants and refugees in the Lower Mainland.
  • Based on the study, identification of policy directions and community strategies incorporating effective and comprehensive action plans to address the problems.
MOSAIC Completed Evaluation to be undertaken
Systemic & Structural Barriers of Social Housing & Aboriginal Homelessness
  • Qualitative and quantitative study of public (government) and private (providers) social housing policies as they relate to the Aboriginal Community in Vancouver.
  • Examination of :
    • Policies, rules, or regulations that contribute to Aboriginal homelessness in Vancouver
    • Current knowledge about Aboriginal social housing tenants in Vancouver
    • Identification of knowledge gaps
    • Experiences of Aboriginal Housing tenants during tenancy and post tenancy
    • Experiences of Aboriginal People who have successfully accessed housing and of those who have not
  • Supports and services necessary to prevent homelessness among Aboriginal Housing tenants.
Lu'ma Native Housing Society Fall 2002
Structural Barriers to Independent Living for Adults Living with FAS/E
  • Facilitation of discussions with adults living with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects (FAS/E) to gain insight into experiences of homelessness, and the structural issues contributing to their homelessness.
  • Quantitative analysis of prior housing stability.
  • All participants are residents of the Options for Independent Living housing project in Whitehorse.
Up North Training Services Completed Evaluation to be undertaken
Effects of Homelessness on School Children
  • Interviews with teachers, school children and their families, and social service providers to identify:
    • To what extent children identified as living in poverty are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
    • The best approaches for ensuring this population is in receipt of the services that would prevent their homelessness
    • How to develop partnerships to provide consistent and co-ordinated services to assist this population
    • Whether or not enhanced educational interventions could benefit this population.
Nanaimo Community Housing Services Completed
Developing a Profile of the Homeless from a Rural/Regional Perspective in West Kootenay
  • Regional survey to gather qualitative and quantitative information including estimates of the numbers of homeless and at-risk persons, as well as the demographic characteristics of this population.
Nelson District Community Resources Society October 2002
Emergency Shelter and Support Needs of Seniors at Risk
  • Study of the 'at risk' and homeless senior population with a focus on client outreach services for this population, shelter needs and barriers to emergency and temporary housing.
Seniors Housing Information Program March 2003
Preventing Homelessness by  Addressing Unique Needs and Barriers for Cultural Groups
  • Study based on the use of surveys, interviews of key informants, service providers and homeless people, field observations and agency records.
  • Identification of the key structural/systemic issues that lead to homelessness among particular linguistic/cultural groups in the homeless population.
  • Analysis of the needs of particular subgroups within these cultural groups.
  • Development of strategies for reducing and preventing homelessness in the future.
Social Planning Council of Sudbury March 2003
Pathways from the Street: Identifying Readiness Amongst Street Youth to Re-enter Mainstream Culture
  • In-depth, tape-recorded interviews of street youth to identify the life events, causes and factors that led them to homelessness.
  • Interviews conducted with youth aged 16-25 that are in the Getting Back from the Edge clinical intervention program aimed at assisting youth to leave the street culture.
C. Bryne, McMaster University March 2003
The Impact of Downloading on the Capacity of Ontario Municipalities to Address Homelessness
  • Analysis of the governance model(s) that arose in Ontario after the recent downloading of housing responsibilities.
  • Identification of the models found to be the most effective at contributing to the enduring growth of capacity within communities, to prevent and reduce homelessness.
Social Housing Strategists Inc October 2002
Literature Review
  • Issues of Homelessness, Domestic Violence and Women
Violence Information and Education Centre October 2002
Assessment of Housing Needs & Social Housing Availability
  • Examination of demographic information and other relevant data to develop a profile that will be useful for planning housing and related support services.
  • Population survey (Red Deer) to determine needs, attitudes and choices regarding affordable housing; barriers to affordable housing; and options for housing solutions.
Red Deer Housing Committee Completed

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