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Social Development Partnership Program - Frequently Asked Questions

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Social Development Partnerships Program
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the Social Development Partnerships Program?

The Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP) is a national, centrally managed and delivered funding program that provides grants and contributions to non-profit sector organizations that are concerned with advancing the social development and inclusion needs of persons with disabilitieschildren and their families, and other vulnerable or excluded populations. 

Consistent with the federal government’s commitments under the Voluntary Sector Initiative  to strengthen the ability of both government and the sector to achieve their common goal of enhancing the quality of life for Canadians, the SDPP works to increase the effectiveness of the non-profit sector, and to improve the quality and responsiveness of Governments’ social policies and programs by fostering partnerships, supporting knowledge development and dissemination, and strengthening organizational capacity.

The SDPP currently funds activities within three streams of activities:

  1. Disability
    Seeks to advance the Government of Canada’s Disability Agenda by promoting the full participation of Canadians with disabilities in learning, work, and community life.
  2. Early Learning and Child Care
    Seeks to advance the Government of Canada’s commitment to improving the outcomes of children 0-6 through the September 2000 First Ministers’ Agreement on Early Childhood Development  and the March 2003 Multilateral Framework on Early Learning and Child Care      
  3. Social Inclusion
    Seeks to advance the Government of Canada’s commitment to alleviate the conditions of social exclusion for vulnerable populations consistent with the January 2001 Speech from the Throne (e.g. families living in poverty, children).

Who can apply?

Organizations eligible to apply for project funding (contributions) must be:

  • non-profit
  • actively pursuing activities in line with the SDPP’s objectives.

Non-profit organizations can also include government funded/publicly supported educational and research institutions.

Organizations eligible to apply for organizational funding (grants) must:

  • be non-profit
  • be legally incorporated,
  • have a mandate that encompasses goals related to social development and inclusion,
  • actively pursue activities consistent with SDPP objectives
  • be national in reach
  • be membership based
  • be democratically constituted and accountable to members
  • publish annual statements of accounts and activities
  • focus on the “public good”, and
  • be financially and administratively sound.

Individuals cannot apply for funding from this program.

Please refer to the eligible recipients section of the SDPP Terms and Conditions for further information.

Which activities are eligible for funding?

Eligible organizations are invited to refer to the Social Development Partnerships Program website on a regular basis in order to stay abreast of posted Calls for Proposals and current SDPP funding priorities. 

Activities which are eligible for contribution funding include:

  • generating knowledge on emerging social issues;
  • disseminating information and knowledge and increasing public awareness;
  • establishing and maintaining sustainable partnerships, alliances, networks and collaborations;
  • and participating in public dialogue/consultations. 

Grants may be provided to strengthen the capacity of national non-profit organizations in the areas of governance, policy and program development, community outreach, organizational administration and management.

For further details, please refer to the Eligible Activities section of the SDPP Terms and Conditions.     

Further information regarding specific SDPP information and data requirements at the time of application can be found in the Proposals/Applications section of the SDPP Terms and Conditions.

What is the maximum duration of SDPP funding?

The duration of the Program’s contribution support will be consistent with the project activities undertaken.  Grant funding is available for up to a maximum of five years.

Which costs are eligible for SDPP funding?

Expenditures may be reimbursed on the basis of eligible costs incurred.  Eligible costs include wages and employment-related costs for staff, office rent, leasing or purchasing of equipment and supplies, and other reasonable costs associated directly with either project implementation or organizational funding.

For a complete list of allowable expenses, please refer to the Eligible Costs section of the SDPP Terms and Conditions.

Where can I get more information?

The Terms and Conditions of the Social Development Partnerships Program may be found online or by writing to the Social Development Directorate at the address below.

For more information on grant and contribution funding under the Social Development Partnerships Program, or to obtain a paper copy of the program’s Terms and Conditions, please contact the Community Development & Partnerships Directorate at the following address:

Community Development & Partnerships Directorate
(formerly Social Development Directorate)
140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, 5th Floor, Mail Stop 501
Gatineau, Québec
K1A 0J9

Or by e-mail: sd-questions-ds@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Last modified :  2005-03-11 top Important Notices